Killzone: Shadow Fall MP to be free starting March 4th for a week

Starting on March 4th Killzone: Shadow Fall's multiplayer will go F2P on the PlayStation 4 for one weeks time. Even those without a PS Plus subscription will be able to leap into the angry shooter madness known as Killzone. Sony has let out that the offer is good to anyone and everyone so they can enjoy the game's upcoming DLC which also lands on March 4th.

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"Killzone: Shadow Fall MP to be free starting March 4th for a week" :: Login/Create an Account :: 75 comments

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Int too bad this game is a ps exclusive.

its the only game i want that ps4 has it just wasnt enough to buy a ps4 though hopefully xbox will get it one day


i'm forsure gonna try it, Hopefully its worth the money


Sweet, I will definitely have to pick it up.


too bad this game is a ps exclusive.


This will be good. Although, I already own the game.


I guess that is a smart way too make money after the week is done.


I think that offering this DLC for free is a good money making technique but the game is already so popular and over half of all PS4 owners have it so DLC is going to be just as important to sales for them. I like when they allow you to preview extra content at least for awhile so you can see if you like it or not.


Dorkus I don't like how they do it for a week. They should sell it for less money or something because it would be beneficial for both of us.

they can get more money for doing it for a week, because they know people are still gonna buy it if it's a discount.

yeah agree they will make more money if its discounted for a week lots of people will buy it.


Dorkus I don't like how they do it for a week. They should sell it for less money or something because it would be beneficial for both of us.

they can get more money for doing it for a week, because they know people are still gonna buy it if it's a discount.


Dude_Perfect I already own this game and it's super fun online.

You don't have the MP update yet, its not out -_-