Titanfall making-of video explains how the Titans were made

Titanfall has received yet another video – anyone would think it was coming out soon, seriously – this time offering a closer look at how Respawn designed and crafted its Titan mech classes. It shows the Ogre, Stryder and Atlas in action.

The clip was posted by EA today, and digs deep into how artist Joel Emslie brought the machines or war to life.

Respawn also posted this Titanfall Collector’s Edition unboxing video today. It’s massive. Look at it.

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Source: http://www.vg247.com/2014/02/26/titanfall-making-of-video-explains-how-the-titans-were-made/


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Pretty cool how the titans were made :P


Pretty interesting stuff!


ext I think the model looks great, and it does show they did work hard on it, but what about campaign, that is one of the crucial parts to a game like this.

This is a all multilayer game, there is no campaign included.


I think the model looks great, and it does show they did work hard on it, but what about campaign, that is one of the crucial parts to a game like this.


I'm a little disappointed in the model, I was expecting it to actually do something.
Other than that, it looks amazing! - Both the collectors edition and the creation of the Titans! Good Game.


ODST I'm really disappointed in the fact that there isn't a campaign for Titanfall now. It would've been cool to get into the lore of this game but now we're stuck with videos explanations and in game characters (during multiplayer) who are almost more annoying than just making a full on campaign. Regardless, I'm buying the game during hopefully a steam sale.

Unfortunately, but they have a point, why waste resources on making a campaign that 80% of the players won't even play, and of the 20% that do, not even half finish it..

This. Most people go straight to multiplayer in cod and halo. Most people do not care about the campaigns

It still sucks that they sacrifice a large part of a game. Hopefully the sequal will have a campaign.


i cant wait for this game to come out, im so exited but the collectors edition does not look so great, this game is setting the bar high for next gen FPS games its so awesome


Cant wait for this game (Next game of the year 2014!)


Looking forward to titanfall shame collectors edition is so expensive


Titan Fall is looking pretty good, I looked up some gameplay of it and it looks fantastic!! I will definitely be getting it!!