DICE to offer BF4 players weapon shortcut packs as appeasement

In Dice's "Player Appreciation Month" BF4 owners will be able to acquire various shortcut packs free of charge over the coming weeks.

This series of freebies are a clear sign of Dice attempting to make amends for the game's not so stellar launch. There kits will allows users to unlock weapons and many upgrades free of charge, they are designed to assist players attempting to "make up for lost time" or "catch up with your friends." As holding with tradition, premium users are slated to receive extra perks as part of the giveaway.

February 18 to February 24
Shortcut Kit: Hand Guns
Battlefield 4 Premium Shortcut Kit: DMR's

February 25 to March 4
Shortcut Kit: Grenades
Battlefield 4 Premium Shortcut Kit: Shotguns

Below are the official instructions from the official Battlefield website on how to redeem your freebies:

How to claim your Shortcut Kits
Console Owner
Go to the in-game Store.
Either click on the Shortcut Kit banner or proceed to view “All Items”
Find the Shortcut Kit priced at $0
Premium users will also see a second Shortcut Kit priced at $0
Download each item to be granted your Shortcut Kit(s).

PC Owner
Login to Battlelog
Go to the “Store” section.
Find the Shortcut Kit priced at $0.
Click “Download”.
Proceed through the Origin checkout flow to be granted your Shortcut Kit.

PC Owner (Battlefield 4 Premium Member)
Login to Battlelog.
Look in the “News” section for info on the Shortcut Giveaway.
Click on the “PREMIUM GIVEAWAY” button within the news story.
A success message will display in green at the top of Battlelog if successful.
You have now been granted the Shortcut Kit.DICE

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion


"DICE to offer BF4 players weapon shortcut packs as appeasement" :: Login/Create an Account :: 61 comments

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happy about the DMR unlock hate using them rest i have already done or would rather unlock playing multiplayer


already got all the grenades and handguns lucky im premium because dmr are a pain in the bottom


Old news. They announced this the same time they announced the appreciation month, at the same time that I made a whole post on it with all the details.


Am I the only one who does not own this game ?


Already have the grenades, and only need a few more handguns...Which I would rather unlock myself anyway.


Too bad I unlocked all those guns apart from the DMR's

I'd prefer them to fix the dam netcode.


I have almost all the guns unlocked on my Xbox live account but I will definitely try to get some of these for PC.


It's a good Idea but I'd rather get attachments for my gun by using it rather than unlocking all of them straight away.


this is disappointing, takes out the fun of earning them


This is pretty nice. I own BF4 but I hardly play it anymore. I played it A LOT when it came out, but now it's not getting my attention as much.