Twitch Plays Pokemon rises to 75k concurrent viewership

Last week, a chat controlled version of Pokemon on the streaming service Twitch took the the internet by storm quickly garnering tens of thousands of viewers.

The twitch stream allowed anyone with a twitch account to control the game one key press at a time via chat. According to Twitch it has released that over 300,000 unique users have participated in this hectic playthrough of Pokemon.

The stream's creator has instituted a new brand new system for the game controlled by the masses, a democratic voting system. Instead of a single chat message being sent it would queue up votes for the game's next action.

Have you yourself got involved in this shenanigan? Have do you think about interactive streams such as this?

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"Twitch Plays Pokemon rises to 75k concurrent viewership" :: Login/Create an Account :: 51 comments

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This seems pretty cool but Pokemon has never interested me.


wow that is crazy. cool though


I was just there a couple days ago , it is pretty hectic.


Activated I haven't watched this on Twitch yet, but it has been affecting the other chats on Twitch which is annoying

how does this affect the other chats?:)


Dang, that is insane. I didn't think something like this was possible.


I haven't watched this on Twitch yet, but it has been affecting the other chats on Twitch which is annoying


I have been having so much fun with this!


Praise the Helix fossil!


What the heck, this is so crazy!


When I watched it had more than 100k, its so hectic.