Xbox One digital Games on Demand deals being tested

From this Tuesday to next Monday, February 18th-24th, the digital version of Ryse will be available for 20 USD less at $39.99 versus retail of $59.99.

So we're testing some, and [from] 2/18 through 2/24 you can get Ryse: Son of Rome off digital marketplace for $39.99. Special deal on add ons starts 2/25.Mike Ybarra

Both Ybarra and MajorNelson have made it clear lately that Microsoft plans to introduce more "competitive pricing" for digital downloads going forward. When asked directly on the subject Nelson responded with "It is indeed on the agenda."

Would you be more prone to purchase games at a slightly reduced price in a digital only form?

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"Xbox One digital Games on Demand deals being tested" :: Login/Create an Account :: 71 comments

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this may help the sales of future games when they have been out for a few months


This is a good thing - Better get the games while they are reduced by price.


Thats good even though i got ryse for 50 :(


DJSLobbies They will get a lot more buyer om the digital marketplace now

The only bad thing about the digital market now is that you can't sell your games when you are finished with them.

That is an amazing idea axe. I don't see why they don't implement this!


Be amazing if they do this!


I can't believe this wasn't the case from the start! Why would someone pay the same amount for a game when they could buy the disc...


DJSLobbies They will get a lot more buyer om the digital marketplace now

The only bad thing about the digital market now is that you can't sell your games when you are finished with them.


They will get a lot more buyer om the digital marketplace now


This will get more buyers, which means more money for Microsoft...


i have FIFA 14 on digital, because it came free with my xbox. Not that bad just click tile and boom your on. space will go down quick if you get it for every game