Flappy Bird to stop flapping

Dong Nguyen, the developer behind Flappy bird, has threatened to take the popular game down due to his inability to cope with success.

It appears the lone developer cannot handle the success of his game, he claims it has changed his "simple life".

I can call ‘Flappy Bird’ is a success of mine. But it also ruins my simple life. So now I hate it."Dong Nguyen"

It is estimated that he is making upwards of $50k a day via in-game ads while garnering 50 million downloads from the various platforms. Keith Shepherd, co-founder of the developer behind Temple Run, has reached out in a bid to help the struggling Dong cope. It is unclear at time of posting if he intends to accept the help.

We'll keep you updated on the latest regarding Flappy Bird and it's seemingly unstable developer.

How do you think you would cope if something you created had widespread success almost overnight?

Related Forum: Mobile Devices


"Flappy Bird to stop flapping" :: Login/Create an Account :: 111 comments

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He can ignore the app.. He's being a big baby about it.


this guy has no logic damn.


Wildcats101 Sucks that he is taking it down just because he is getting famous with it. I would love to have made a successful game and get 50k a day for it.

He's not taking it down because he is famous from the app, he is taking it down because people are sending it hate mail, and death threats because he stole some sprites for Mario.


I actually never managed to play this game. It's a bit of a stupid decision if you ask me


If he gets 50k a day, then he must be a millionaire or close to it...


Wildcats101 Sucks that he is taking it down just because he is getting famous with it. I would love to have made a successful game and get 50k a day for it.

Well, he's made enough and maybe he's not greedy.
I'm not totally buying it though, he could be saying this to get even more money.


Sucks that he is taking it down just because he is getting famous with it. I would love to have made a successful game and get 50k a day for it.


Sooo 50k a day.. Depending on how long hes been getting 50k a day..He should be a millionaire soon. I can see how that can mess with you.


-CP I really wish he wouldn't take it down....

Same here bro, it sucks. This was the best game ever


Noooooo! Thought this was gonna be the game of 2014