Humble Sid Meier Bundle: Civ 3, 4 and 5, plus Ace Patrol, Railroads

Humble Bundle offers three tiers of entry into Sid Meier's epic, world-building simulation games: The first package offers Civilization 3 Complete, Civilization 4: The Complete Edition, Ace Patrol, Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies and Railroads for any price you want. The second tier adds Civilization 5 and its Gods and Kings DLC if you pay more than the average, and the third tier packs in Civ 5's Brave New World DLC for $15 or more.

The Humble Sid Meier Bundle is live for two weeks and benefits the charity Action Against Hunger, a humanitarian organization with the goal of ending world hunger. As always, spend more than $1 to get Steam keys with your Humble Sid Meier Bundle order, and split whatever you pay among Humble, the developer and the charity.

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"Humble Sid Meier Bundle: Civ 3, 4 and 5, plus Ace Patrol, Railroads" :: Login/Create an Account :: 48 comments

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VPN I don't see any interesting games in here.

Well screw you too, these games are great


Oh lord, i really want to pick this up (buy it for me chef nasa pls)


Craigyy Great pack, I need to pick this up.

me to craig maybe we could play sometime?


I don't see any interesting games in here.


Great pack, I need to pick this up.


I've played Civilization a couple of times and it's not too bad of a game. I got bored of it though after playing it for a few days. My dad plays it ALL the time though.


Int I might buy this game is it any good?

It's very good if you're into strategy games.

Yeah I'm good at them too, I'm also a chess player believe it or not.

Int is this game like Command and Conquer because i love them sort of games.

It is a strategy game but it does not have any real time battles. The main objective is for you to start a civilization and beat out other civilizations in either science, war, diplomacy, culture, or just having the highest score when the time runs out. This has to be one of the most addicting PC games I have ever played. There is no other games like it that I know of. I have gotten 6 of my friends to buy Civilization in the past. Each came from different backgrounds in gaming (CoD fanboy, Battlefield fanboy, League of legends nut head, world of warcraft crazy, etc) and everyone of them put at least 150 hours into it before they said they were bored. Even after, they all would return to it every few months. My friend Carson (battlefield fanboy) decided to "try" this game last spring when it was on sale. He started playing at around 5pm and he passed out on his keyboard 1pm the next day. This game is addicting!

I highly recommend this game.

oh ya btw by the love god, DON'T LET GANDHI GET A NUKE!

Thank you beet very informative and clearly written, thanks for the info mate, I will buy it then.


Looks decent, might be a good buy for when I'm looking to pass time.


Int I might buy this game is it any good?

It's very good if you're into strategy games.


Int is this game like Command and Conquer because i love them sort of games.

It is a strategy game but it does not have any real time battles. The main objective is for you to start a civilization and beat out other civilizations in either science, war, diplomacy, culture, or just having the highest score when the time runs out. This has to be one of the most addicting PC games I have ever played. There is no other games like it that I know of. I have gotten 6 of my friends to buy Civilization in the past. Each came from different backgrounds in gaming (CoD fanboy, Battlefield fanboy, League of legends nut head, world of warcraft crazy, etc) and everyone of them put at least 150 hours into it before they said they were bored. Even after, they all would return to it every few months. My friend Carson (battlefield fanboy) decided to "try" this game last spring when it was on sale. He started playing at around 5pm and he passed out on his keyboard 1pm the next day. This game is addicting!

I highly recommend this game.

oh ya btw by the love god, DON'T LET GANDHI GET A NUKE!