Call of Duty: Ghosts live-action video preps you for Onslaught

Activision has released a live-action video for Call of Duty: Ghosts to celebrate the release of Onslaught on Xbox Live January 28. Watch it below. Onslaught contains the multiplayer maps Fog, Ignition, Containment, and Bayview; the Maverick AR & Sniper Rifle; and Extinction: Episode One – Nightfall.

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"Call of Duty: Ghosts live-action video preps you for Onslaught" :: Login/Create an Account :: 49 comments

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I think that this is just like the BO2 trailers "The Replacers" The action in this one is a lot cooler but honestly it seems a lot like the same idea. When I am at something really boring I don't just sit there and think about playing the new COD DLC...


I thought the new DLC was quite good, never as good as old dlc releases though.


Lol, COD DLC trailers. Once again, I've said it before and I'll say it again. Getting DLC just isn't the same anymore. Maybe because I've grown up a lot. But I just don't find the same find in Call of Duty as I use to.

I think it's a mixture of growing up and the game just getting worse every year.


I am only interested in Extinction, I couldn't care less about the Maverick or the multiplayer maps.


Zoidberg The live action CoD trailers are always crazy. Too bad the trailers are 100x better than the actual DLC.

Couldn't have said it better, The first DLC of a game sucks.

I beg to differ. Some first DLC's are great, take Dawnguard for Skyrim as an example. Or the stimulus pack for MW2

other than those 2 DLC's there really hasn't been any that great except for Ascension. that map was great


Zoidberg The live action CoD trailers are always crazy. Too bad the trailers are 100x better than the actual DLC.

Couldn't have said it better, The first DLC of a game sucks.

I beg to differ. Some first DLC's are great, take Dawnguard for Skyrim as an example. Or the stimulus pack for MW2


Zoidberg The live action CoD trailers are always crazy. Too bad the trailers are 100x better than the actual DLC.

Couldn't have said it better, The first DLC of a game sucks.


Good advertising doesnt make good content!


Man they really want us to buy the DLC. But I have to admit that the trailer was really good and creative.


Zoidberg The live action CoD trailers are always crazy. Too bad the trailers are 100x better than the actual DLC.

Right.. the trailers are always so exciting and then when you play the game, nine times out of ten you're somewhat disappointed.