Steam delivers free weekend for Saints Row 4, Company of Heroes 2

Sega's military strategy game Company of Heroes 2 and Volition's open-world fever dream simulator Saints Row 4 are next in line to get the Free Steam Weekend treatment. Both games are free to download and play via Steam starting today and extending through Sunday at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time.

Company of Heroes 2 additionally drops its price by 66 percent over the weekend, while Saints Row 4 is currently 50 percent off. The Saints Row Franchise Pack is also up for grabs at a steep discount, offering Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row 4, and a fairly ridiculous collection of DLC for $29.99.

If a dual-game free weekend hasn't yet quenched your thirst for sweet deals, Digital Extremes' The Darkness 2 is currently priced at $7.49 as part of today's Steam Daily Deal.

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"Steam delivers free weekend for Saints Row 4, Company of Heroes 2" :: Login/Create an Account :: 90 comments

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woo! Gonna go and download sr4 later :D


Steam just gets better might get irt


Quite smart that they're doing this really.

Think about it, they give 2 days of access to 2 games, you become to like the game, start the campaign, you're going to want to know the ending of that game, so MAY purchase it.

Clever if you really think about it.


might try company of heroes, not sure it will be good though


I'll definitely be downloading today. Great news.


Third_Eye I only wish it was free to keep forever like L4D2 and Portal 2 were.

Yeah me too. That would be awesome! I am not complaining though. It'll be fun to play them. I am looking forward to trying out Company of Heroes 2.


Gossip They always make the games free after I buy them.

It's only for the weekend, so consider yourself the luck one.


-Sloth Damn might be trying out these games.

Yah SR4 is a pretty fun game.

SR4 especially, it's so fun to have superpowers, and co-op is awesome. One of my favorite co-op games is Saints Row, 2 in particular


I think it's silly thattheydont let you keep it.
But fair play to them giving out for free.


I only wish it was free to keep forever like L4D2 and Portal 2 were.