Call of Duty: Ghosts updated on Xbox 360

Infinity Ward has released a new title update for the Xbox 360 version of Call of Duty: Ghosts.

According to the patch notes, the small patch tackles stability problems with the game's Broadcaster Mode, while additionally introducing a new kill feed to the mode, among other things.

Here's the official change log:

- Restrict Ghillie suits in competitive rules (currently LAN only).
- Restrict Tracker Sights in competitive rules.
- Restrict Danger Close in competitive rules.
- Disable third-person spectating in competitive Private Matches.
- Add a kill feed to Broadcaster mode.
- Address Broadcaster mode stability (squash crash bugs).

Activision recently released a fresh batch of screenshots from the first Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC pack, Onslaught.

Due to launch on Xbox One and Xbox 360 on January 28, with PC and PlayStation releases to follow at a later date, the add-on pack will include four new competitive multiplayer maps and a new Extinction level (detailed through the link), plus a new weapon in the form of the Maverick dual-purpose assault/sniper rifle.

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"Call of Duty: Ghosts updated on Xbox 360" :: Login/Create an Account :: 77 comments

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Yep I got that update yesterday.


Monster-Munch Good to see them update but i want some of the old gamemodes back hope they do put some back soon :)

If they do release new game modes I would assume that it would be for the One and PS4 only.

Not exactly. Mw3 brought in new game modes during their game


Not much change in this update.


I wish I still had Ghosts for my Xbox 360. Barely any of my friends have the Xbox One and lots of them still play this game on the 360.


-Tylaa- why not updated on one???????


They do each system over time.


Spot why do you people play this game?

Some people like this game and CoD in general. I got this game for free through license transfer off of my friend because he wanted me to play with him. I'm personally bored of CoD, but I will play this game if I have a group of people and we all party up. Other than that I am either on BF4 or playing something else. I just can't play CoD like I used to back on MW2.

Playing any game with friends is better than playing alone.


I'm sure this will fix up most errors, there is most likely more to be fixed like spawn trapping, that was a major issue for me.


ahh so this is what that update was.


Nice little update but they really need to fix the spawns.


I was waiting for this update