PlayStation 4 enjoys most successful launch week in UK history

The PlayStation 4 had the best launch week in the UK of any gaming system to date, and in the words of Chart Track it "eclipsed" the Xbox One's sales from the week before. There's no confirmed numbers, but we know the country's previous fastest-seller is the PSP, and it sold 185,000 units across its debut week in 2005. The long and short: The PS4 done good.

British industry site MCV put the PS4's opening week sales at 250,000, according to its retail sources. MCV also pinned the Xbox One's UK numbers at 150,000, but again that figure is unconfirmed. In any case, the good news is both consoles are enjoying successful launches both in the UK and across the globe; Sony announced 1 million PS4 sales within 24 hours of the console's debut in North America, a figure Microsoft also hit when it launched the Xbox One across 13 markets worldwide.

As for this week's software charts, there's some predictable shuffling with the console launches. Call of Duty: Ghosts drifted back to the top, after FIFA 14 stole ahead last week with the Xbox One Day One bundles. The rest of the top ten is made up by games available across Xbox One and PS4, with the exception of Grand Theft Auto 5 in seventh, and Batman: Arkham Origins in tenth.

The charts don't read so well for the Wii U, though. The system's standout holiday game, Super Mario 3D World, debuted in 14th place, just behind PS4 launch game Knack in 13th.

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"PlayStation 4 enjoys most successful launch week in UK history" :: Login/Create an Account :: 83 comments

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MKP Perfectly happy with my XBox One. So who cares about the sales.

exactly aslong as people get the consoles they want it shouldnt matter


Perfectly happy with my XBox One. So who cares about the sales.


OfficialLeon PS4 sold 1million in US launch plus 250k consoles sold in uk. not counting Japan which doesn't have them yet. PS4 is wining in sales at the moment

It sold 1 million to stores.

No to consumers.
PS4 sold as many as xbone did in 13 countries, which the PS4 did in 2. Now after the Europe launch it's just icing on the cake.

Sure it a much bigger than the UK, but that's not counting the rest of Europe where Sony historically outsells Microsoft. Sony even outsold Microsoft inn it's strongest market, North America.
Trust me it was to the stores and Xbox sold way more in Australia and is much bigger than the UK.

OfficialLeon PS4 sold 1million in US launch plus 250k consoles sold in uk. not counting Japan which doesn't have them yet. PS4 is wining in sales at the moment

It sold 1 million to stores.

No to consumers.
PS4 sold as many as xbone did in 13 countries, which the PS4 did in 2. Now after the Europe launch it's just icing on the cake.

Trust me it was to the stores and Xbox sold way more in Australia and is much bigger than the UK.

Sure Australia is bigger than the UK but not all of Europe. Sony even outsold Microsoft i it's strongest market. North America. Not even counting Japan and China, Sony clearly outsold the XB1. I can walk into almost in store in Houston and find a day one edition XB1, not so much a PS4.

Opposite story in my area. Here is a quick visual to help you to understand why the Xbox is better. Toyota may sell more cars than Ferrari, but Ferrari is a better car. The PS4 may sell more, but the Xbox is better. Quality over quantity.

You sound delusional. PS4 sold out everywhere i can buy a xbox one from target tomorrow if i wanted. the one is the inferior console don't true to turn opinions into facts we all know PS4 is more preferred. Xbox One launched in 13 regions and only sold 1million, while ps4 only launched in North america and sold that much. went black friday shopping there were two lines on for PS4 and One for the xbox. the xbox line was super short and this was at walmart.

The Xbox One also sold out, if you look at the demographics you will see that they both were just about equal with the sales.


OfficialLeon PS4 sold 1million in US launch plus 250k consoles sold in uk. not counting Japan which doesn't have them yet. PS4 is wining in sales at the moment

It sold 1 million to stores.

No to consumers.
PS4 sold as many as xbone did in 13 countries, which the PS4 did in 2. Now after the Europe launch it's just icing on the cake.

Sure it a much bigger than the UK, but that's not counting the rest of Europe where Sony historically outsells Microsoft. Sony even outsold Microsoft inn it's strongest market, North America.
Trust me it was to the stores and Xbox sold way more in Australia and is much bigger than the UK.

OfficialLeon PS4 sold 1million in US launch plus 250k consoles sold in uk. not counting Japan which doesn't have them yet. PS4 is wining in sales at the moment

It sold 1 million to stores.

No to consumers.
PS4 sold as many as xbone did in 13 countries, which the PS4 did in 2. Now after the Europe launch it's just icing on the cake.

Trust me it was to the stores and Xbox sold way more in Australia and is much bigger than the UK.

Sure Australia is bigger than the UK but not all of Europe. Sony even outsold Microsoft i it's strongest market. North America. Not even counting Japan and China, Sony clearly outsold the XB1. I can walk into almost in store in Houston and find a day one edition XB1, not so much a PS4.

Opposite story in my area. Here is a quick visual to help you to understand why the Xbox is better. Toyota may sell more cars than Ferrari, but Ferrari is a better car. The PS4 may sell more, but the Xbox is better. Quality over quantity.

You sound delusional. PS4 sold out everywhere i can buy a xbox one from target tomorrow if i wanted. the one is the inferior console don't true to turn opinions into facts we all know PS4 is more preferred. Xbox One launched in 13 regions and only sold 1million, while ps4 only launched in North america and sold that much. went black friday shopping there were two lines on for PS4 and One for the xbox. the xbox line was super short and this was at walmart.


OfficialLeon PS4 sold 1million in US launch plus 250k consoles sold in uk. not counting Japan which doesn't have them yet. PS4 is wining in sales at the moment

It sold 1 million to stores.

No to consumers.
PS4 sold as many as xbone did in 13 countries, which the PS4 did in 2. Now after the Europe launch it's just icing on the cake.

Sure it a much bigger than the UK, but that's not counting the rest of Europe where Sony historically outsells Microsoft. Sony even outsold Microsoft inn it's strongest market, North America.
Trust me it was to the stores and Xbox sold way more in Australia and is much bigger than the UK.

OfficialLeon PS4 sold 1million in US launch plus 250k consoles sold in uk. not counting Japan which doesn't have them yet. PS4 is wining in sales at the moment

It sold 1 million to stores.

No to consumers.
PS4 sold as many as xbone did in 13 countries, which the PS4 did in 2. Now after the Europe launch it's just icing on the cake.

Trust me it was to the stores and Xbox sold way more in Australia and is much bigger than the UK.

Sure Australia is bigger than the UK but not all of Europe. Sony even outsold Microsoft i it's strongest market. North America. Not even counting Japan and China, Sony clearly outsold the XB1. I can walk into almost in store in Houston and find a day one edition XB1, not so much a PS4.

Opposite story in my area. Here is a quick visual to help you to understand why the Xbox is better. Toyota may sell more cars than Ferrari, but Ferrari is a better car. The PS4 may sell more, but the Xbox is better. Quality over quantity.

That would be true but Sony is selling more as the better console. The Xbox one is inferior, lower specs the results can be seen on games, so you cant make a comparison like you did.

Your facts are completely wrong, please do some more research. I don't see 4K support as inferior, and I refuse to believe you think the same way.

4k is a Sony product so am pretty sure 4k will be on the PS4 a lot sooner than Xbox One. Xbox cannot even manage 1080p yet how the hell is it supposed to do 4k?


I think that it was really smart of Sony to release it in a few countries before going on from there. They got the chance to work out all the initial launch issues.


Man, I'm stoked to get a ps4. Been a Xbox guy for years


Debris There is no way the xb1 can support 4k if it cant run Ghosts a 1080p. Sony could have also said they support 4k, but that's not going to happen on these consoles.

it may happen in the future, remember that the consoles are relatively new

Updates will not enable 4k, the hardware is no where close to where it needs to be to run 4k.


Debris There is no way the xb1 can support 4k if it cant run Ghosts a 1080p. Sony could have also said they support 4k, but that's not going to happen on these consoles.

it may happen in the future, remember that the consoles are relatively new


There is no way the xb1 can support 4k if it cant run Ghosts a 1080p. Sony could have also said they support 4k, but that's not going to happen on these consoles.