Xbox One/Xbox 360 most popular Black Friday consoles at Target,Walmart

Xbox One and Xbox 360 reportedly accounted for 61% of all console purchases at target and Walmart over the Thanksgiving sales weekend.

The statistic comes courtesy of InfoScout, which credits the Xbox platform success to the limited availability of PlayStation 4 stock as well as Walmart’s $99 Xbox 360 deal on Black Friday.

The PS3 and PS4 both managed to score 15% of the market, giving Sony about half of Microsoft’s market share during the sales.

The Wii U and Wii definitely trailed the pack with 6% and 1% market share respectively.

Here’s the top 20 software chart from the two retailers:

Call of Duty: Ghosts
Disney infinity
Skylanders: Swap Force
Grand Theft Auto 5
Madden NFL 25
Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag
Batman: Arkham Origins
NBA 2K14
Lego Marvel Super Heroes
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations
Call of Duty: Black Ops
NCAA Football 14
Super Mario 3D Land
WWE 2K14
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
The Last of Us
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Killzone: Shadow Fall
Batman: Arkham Origins

InfoScout did not provide hard sales figures nor a breakdown of how its information was gathered.

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"Xbox One/Xbox 360 most popular Black Friday consoles at Target,Walmart" :: Login/Create an Account :: 140 comments

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OfficialLeon it wasn't because it was a best seller. it was because they literally barely had any PS4s i was looking all black friday and lined up 2hrs before the manager of walmart told me they had 5 PS4s and 8 xbox ones the ps4s sold out and the xboxes had 4 left. people only bought it because they had no choice. i can't find a PS4 but target has the xbox one in stock. and gamestop still has the bundle in stock.

Not true at all. All of the stores in my area had no Xbox ONEs and said they would not get more until Monday. There were plenty of PS4s on hand everywhere. The Xbox has better sales and will always win.

where do you live? thats a load of horse crap.
There's literally NO PS4's or Xbox Ones in my area, if you want one you have to wait until january or feburary...

Exactly. Xbox One actually sold just as much consoles as each other. Why the hell would I buy a different console just because the one I wanted wasn't in stock. Your just making up ridiculous excuses. There are no consoles in my local stores either. Go home fanboy.


F40 It's funny that BF4 isn't on the list...

Yeah that's really weird... I guess all the little kids went out & saved $5 on Ghosts


It's funny that BF4 isn't on the list...


OfficialLeon it wasn't because it was a best seller. it was because they literally barely had any PS4s i was looking all black friday and lined up 2hrs before the manager of walmart told me they had 5 PS4s and 8 xbox ones the ps4s sold out and the xboxes had 4 left. people only bought it because they had no choice. i can't find a PS4 but target has the xbox one in stock. and gamestop still has the bundle in stock.

Not true at all. All of the stores in my area had no Xbox ONEs and said they would not get more until Monday. There were plenty of PS4s on hand everywhere. The Xbox has better sales and will always win.

where do you live? thats a load of horse crap.
There's literally NO PS4's or Xbox Ones in my area, if you want one you have to wait until january or feburary...


Wow - 61% compared to Sony's 15%. That's crazy, I thought for sure it would have been a little closer than that.

Always knew Xbox One would out do PS4, though.


Crazy how high the demand is for xbox compared to the playstation.


Xbox 360 probably took up a good chunk of it. I wonder what xbox one sales for black friday alone were.


Ugg It's funny how many people thought that Sony was going to beat Microsoft in sales on "Black Friday."

Have you ever wondered why there wasn't a white Friday or an orange Friday. MERICA' land of the racist xbox ones lol jk but xbox one wont be beat in sales for a couple years like the 360 but don't quote me on that, anything could happen.


Surprised BF4 wasn't on the list.


daRealRush This is shocking, I figure it would be PS4, and PS3. Not, Xbox One, and Xbox 360.

There was more hype for xbox including its worldwide events, besides who do you even compete with the people that invented the internet.