Grand Theft Auto Online hidden audio files divulge possible DLC

Buried in the Beach Bum DLC for Grand Theft Auto Online is a smattering of audio files that hint at possible future DLC packs, including mentions of spying, a camera phone upgrade, racing for pink slips and casinos. The audio files were picked up by YouTuber Franken Stein and shared with NeoGAF by Allenous.

There's no word if these audio files are part of something larger, but listening to the disparate, nonsensical voices reminds us of all the family meals we're having this holiday weekend.

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"Grand Theft Auto Online hidden audio files divulge possible DLC" :: Login/Create an Account :: 76 comments

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I think i've saw this before somewere


Heard about this 4-5 days ago. Step up your copy and pasting skills TTG.


Hm tricky tricky Rockstar.


Have you ever seen a building that looks enterable but isn't? Well they put them their for future updates where they can be entered and robbed etc.


Honk I would love to be able to go to a casino

Same here, it'd add a little more variety to the game...which it needs!


I would love to be able to go to a casino


I hope this is true, I want another DLC :).


There are many buildings in GTA which have transparent glass which signifies they will be used in future DLC. For one, the Mors Mutual head office, the casino and the largest bank have transparent glass so these are definable possible dlc locations.


I feel like we're over-thinking this.


Kind of weird we are predicting DLC by in game hints.