Xbox One: Revealed trailer shows console up close

Xbox One has received a new trailer showing Microsoft’s console up close. Have a gander at the new hardware here.

The clip follows two Xbox One TV commercials that show off a range of features in silly situations. The footballer one is comically tragic. Poor chap.

Xbox One launches November 22.

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"Xbox One: Revealed trailer shows console up close" :: Login/Create an Account :: 33 comments

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Tyrannicide No matter what anyone says on the matter, this console is a brilliant improvement on the 360, the technology is exciting to see on a console.

I think MS did an amazing job on the Xbone.
The only thing I wish they could have done is make different variations of the HDD space.


Echleon console shape is ugly i love its UI but the console itself is hideous. looks like a dish Network DVR box.

Since when is the only focus on the aesthetics of the console?


Echleon console shape is ugly i love its UI but the console itself is hideous. looks like a dish Network DVR box.

You're obviously saying this because you're a PS fanboy.
I have seen you do nothing but talk down on the Xbone.


KAQ Well that's good :) but i am still getting a ps4

Then why even comment?
I mean it is obvious it is just going to be Xbox fanboys here.


KronikShadow I'm going to buy the Xbox around June when the full capabilities of the console come out.

i agree thats exactly why im waiting to get the xbox one ill have my ps4 soon so that will hold me over until then

The Ps4 has more problems than the Xbone, lol.
So that logic doesn't make sense.


Can't wait until I get my console!


KronikShadow I'm going to buy the Xbox around June when the full capabilities of the console come out.

i agree thats exactly why im waiting to get the xbox one ill have my ps4 soon so that will hold me over until then

Make sure to wait for Sony to address and fix up the various issues that are occurring with the PS4 before buying


It looks zoo sleek and smooth and shiny and zoo much more.


KronikShadow I'm going to buy the Xbox around June when the full capabilities of the console come out.

i agree thats exactly why im waiting to get the xbox one ill have my ps4 soon so that will hold me over until then


KronikShadow I'm going to buy the Xbox around June when the full capabilities of the console come out.

I will be doing the same with the PS4. My reason is more towards the financial part though