Call of Duty Ghosts gets dedicated servers on all platforms

Infinity Ward executive producer Mark Rubin has confirmed that Call of Duty Ghosts will utilise dedicated servers on all platforms.

The Xbox One and PC versions were already confirmed for dedicated server connections, but in a statement released today, Rubin explained that both current and next-gen console versions will use a combination of dedicated and 'listen servers'.

"Dedicated servers will be used on current gen, next gen and PC with Ghosts," confirmed Rubin.

"And, in order to make sure that people have the best possible experience regardless of platform, location or connection, Ghosts will be using a hybrid system of dedicated servers and listen servers. So no matter where you are the game will always be trying to give you the best online performance possible."

'Listen servers' are those hosted on the console of an automatically designated host player, which is most common in console games today. But they come with the disadvantage of the host player having the best connection, and the game needing to migrate to a new host should the designated host quit.

Rubin says the game's matchmaking is also improved. "There is also some great new tech in the matchmaking system that will place players in matches that have the best combined overall connectivity performance," he said.

Activision has confirmed a Call of Duty: Ghosts release date of November 5 on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U and PC. The game will also be a launch title for Xbox One and PS4.

A premium edition Xbox One will be released in Europe with a Call Of Duty: Ghosts download code included, it was confirmed at Microsoft's press briefing at Gamescom in august.

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"Call of Duty Ghosts gets dedicated servers on all platforms" :: Login/Create an Account :: 78 comments

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Chloe_xD Nice :) hopefully this will stop some of the lag ? x

Well, that's the whole point..............

I think she posts just for the fun of it Dr-J. But, yes Chloe, it will stop all the lag. As you've just read.
I'm beginning to think that because half the time they are pointless and you can find the answer in the article.


Chloe_xD Nice :) hopefully this will stop some of the lag ? x

Well, that's the whole point..............

I think she posts just for the fun of it Dr-J. But, yes Chloe, it will stop all the lag. As you've just read.


A mix of both dedicated and listen servers? Well that's slang for, 10 dedicated servers and thousands hosted via a host (listen servers). **** Infinity Ward slimy bastards...


GibbityTree Wow... Took them over 50 years, but at least they finally got with the times.

They have been well ahead of times since they started making games

Not exactly but I guess since you're a die hard fanboy then sure.


GibbityTree Wow... Took them over 50 years, but at least they finally got with the times.

They have been well ahead of times since they started making games


Chloe_xD Nice :) hopefully this will stop some of the lag ? x

Well, that's the whole point..............


Lia Something I've been wanting for a long long time... Too bad the multiplayer doesn't look that appealing :/

The MP looks better than BO2, so I have high hopes lol


This game honestly might be the best out of all of them.


Lia Something I've been wanting for a long long time... Too bad the multiplayer doesn't look that appealing :/

I agree but we will not know till we plsy it.


GibbityTree Wow... Took them over 50 years, but at least they finally got with the times.

Ahaha I know, the cod fan base has been asking for this since the mw2 days