Schell: Microsoft should have held its nerve on Xbox One

Microsoft's submissiveness in the face of public outcry over Xbox One policies was a mistake, according to a prominent and respected games developer.

Jesse Schell, games designer and professor at Carnegie Mellon University's Entertainment Technology Center, believes a firm nerve is necessary in order to reinvent established businesses.

"Your customers want you to stay the same, even if it drives you into the ground," Schell told GamesIndustry International.

"The reality is that companies can't do what the customers want," he said, in reference to Microsoft's extraordinary volte-face on Xbox One's pre-owned and always-online policies.

"Basically, Microsoft said 'we're going to be Steam. You like Steam, don't you?' They said, 'we're gonna do this new thing', and the customers said no we don't want that, we hate that, even though it's what they really want and what they will ultimately buy."

"So now Microsoft has had to say they won't do all that stuff, but someone will. That's how it always goes. This is the lesson of the innovator's dilemma. Why is it that big companies fail when the technology changes? It happens in every industry, so what's the pattern? What are they all doing wrong?

"Everyone says, 'Oh, it's because they're stupid. Big companies are stupid.' They can't be stupid. How did they get that big and stay that big if they're stupid? Microsoft isn't stupid.

"There's one mistake that they all make, and that mistake is listening to their customers.

"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.' When you want to do something really different - the solution to the innovator's dilemma - you can't take your big brand and say it's going to be completely different."

Xbox One pre-orders are said to be roughly double that of the Xbox 360 at launch, according to Ubisoft chief executive Yves Guillemot. The same is said for Sony's PS4, a demand that has led to PlayStation Europe capping its guaranteed launch day pre-orders.

Nevertheless, Schell believes the growing and diversifying competition to games consoles will have a noticeable effect on their market share.

"E3 convinced me that they are going to be struggling," he said.

"I haven't seen anything that made me think, yeah, you're gonna get that market share back. I'm convinced that all [of the consoles] are going to have a gradually eroding market share over the coming years. Because tablets are going to be eating their lunch more and more, and other platforms are going to start to take off and catch fire."

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"Schell: Microsoft should have held its nerve on Xbox One" :: Login/Create an Account :: 99 comments

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Gosh it looks so ugly.


I completely agree with this and I fully support Microsoft on the DRM policies it previously had in place.


None of this is really relevant to me.. I mean as a casual gamer. I just want to be able to buy top of the line games and play them, no bs.


xSTaTiCBLuEx OMFG why doesn't everyone just shutup about this whole fiasco. The DRM Policy was a BAD idea and anyone with a **** brain cell would realise why it doesn't 100% work.

Do you have no internet connection? NO You have internet connection
There is not a problem with DRM, if you have a internet connection, why complain about it if it doesn't concern you? I don't understand people like you

It doesn't **** matter if I have internet. It's the principle. If I someday lose my internet or become interested in single player only games and don't want to be online, then I damn well have the right to play my on my console without internet if I please.

Then that sucks for you. Go back to 360 then. Your defending something that would have made the Xbox One completely unique to the PS4. DRM was a great idea and if you cannot afford internet you shouldn't be able to afford a $500 console.

I completely agree. If you live in the US and are spending 500 dollars on a gaming console but don't have internet then maybe you should work instead. Because last time I checked you can get internet in the US at almost any location now. I used to live 20 minutes outside of a town of 5000 population. My town had a population of 216. We had internet. If you live in the US and don't have internet then you probably have something more important to spend your money on then an XBox.


I didn't care for the DRM Policies that they made up since they didn't affect me really or the new things that they switched back since a lot of people didn't like them, but people did become more interested in the Console once they went back to their old ways, so that's good.


-Vision I really wish i could decide

On the same boat as you. The 360 was 50x better than the PS3, which makes me wish I never had a PS3 in the first place. But all of the features that made the 360 better, are now included in the PS4.. mainly the Party Chat system, and their dashboard has improved.. PS4 seems like a more refined gaming console, meant for gaming. The Xbox seems like a family's all in one tool, especially since they are now marketing the "Xbox One" as an all in one system.


Defiantly staying with PC


Hops Yep. Im officially switching to PS4. Or staying on PC.

Pc is the way to go.


Yep. Im officially switching to PS4. Or staying on PC.


-LOST- I think the kinect was a deal breaker for a lot of people. It just jacked up the price too much.

Yeah, I wish it was something optional, they would have had much more sales I believe.