Battlefield 4 campaign details released (possible spoilers)

EA and DICE have revealed new details about Battlefield 4's campaign.

"The world is on the brink of chaos, China is the tinderbox and you and your squad are the inadvertent spark that could ignite a global conflict," reads a post on the Battlefield blog.

"As Sergeant Daniel Recker, you play as a member of an elite group of unlikely heroes known as Tombstone squad, navigating the turmoil around you as you fight to save the final hope for peace."

Following the game's announcement earlier this year, executive producer Patrick Bach told CVG DICE needs to up its game when it comes to single-player Battlefield experiences in order to earn the full respect of the series' fans.

Speaking during a wide-ranging Battlefield 4 interview conducted at GDC, Bach explained the decision to showcase the shooter's campaign offering in the first Battlefield 4 gameplay video, admitting that both DICE and its fans are more worried about the quality of the game's campaign component than its online one.

Here are all the new campaign details released today, straight from the horse's mouth, followed by some renders of the members of Tombstone squad who'll be fighting alongside you, Marine Combat Lifesaver Clayton Pakowski and Staff Sergeant Kimble Graves.

In Battlefield 4, you take on the role of Sergeant Daniel Recker, member of an elite group of soldiers known as Tombstone squad. While on a mission to collect intelligence from a defecting Russian General in Baku, Azerbaijan, your squad is discovered and you must fight your way through waves of Russian troops in order to escape. Upon getting back to the USS Valkyrie, a Wasp class carrier, the intelligence you've retrieved confirms previous suspicions. The Chinese Admiral Chang is planning a coup in China, and if this happens, the Russians would back him up.

With this intel secure, the USS Valkyrie sets a course for Shanghai. You and Tombstone squad are sent on a covert mission into the city to extract a group of VIP's. China is in uproar after the U.S. has been implicated in the assassination of Jin Jié, the future leader and voice for peace in China. Admiral Chang has canceled elections and martial law has been declared. As U.S. and Russian naval forces position themselves off the coast of China, and the situation quickly escalates into a stare down akin to a tinderbox waiting for a spark.

In Shanghai, protesters clash with police as the streets are filled with chaos and turmoil. Tombstone manages to find the VIP's, among them a CIA field operative known as Laszlo W. Kovic. With him is a mysterious individual that the Chinese military has been frantically searching for. Together with Kovic you fight your way out of Shanghai and back to the Valkyrie as countless civilians flee the city, many of which are brought aboard the Valkyrie as refugees. With communications dead, the Valkyrie sets course for Singapore to rendezvous with the USS Titan and the 7th US carrier group at their last known position. As you reach Singapore you are shocked to find a horrific scene of fire and mayhem. The flagship is sunk and its fleet is eradicated, and from this point on nothing is certain.

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"Battlefield 4 campaign details released (possible spoilers)" :: Login/Create an Account :: 96 comments

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this is going to be good


Wow, sounds interesting.. this game is going to be amazing.


cant wait for it


This is looking like a great game


Very oriental. ;)


I must say, this does look pretty awesome, but I hate it that we are an " elite squad ", I liked it in BF3 where we were just a normal squadron of Marines. The elite idea is to just not right in my opinion. Oh well though, this game still looks amazing.


I cant wait! I cant wait to play this then GTA V :D




sounds awesome...


"As Sergeant Daniel Recker, you play as a member of an elite group of unlikely heroes known as Tombstone squad, navigating the turmoil around you as you fight to save the final hope for peace."

Is all i read upto because this is going to be one amazing game and i dont want to spoil it for myself.