Modern Warfare 2 - 10th prestige in 10 kills - Xbox360

omfg no wai! Yes thats right you can get 10th prestige in 10 kills on the xbox 360 lots of people have been asking about this so here it is we had to cover the gamertags up due to IW getting mad but just put it down to "the usual suspects" hit the forums for an invite there is a sticky topic only post within that and we will invite you if we have any games running soon



"Modern Warfare 2 - 10th prestige in 10 kills - Xbox360" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3374 comments

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Send an invite to Greek izz pro thanks

ill even pay you if i get into a game like this after im 10th prestige


i was looking thought the learderboads before and a saw a number of people at the top so i clicked on the gamertags and went to this website and i would like to do tht so will you invite me wen you can pleaseeee >>>>Leam Rangers


GT - EmVp x PeZzA

On 24/7..


Yo i subscribed to your youtube

GT: cv AII Pro cv the "Ls" are " i's "



whats up im hoping u can help me get to 10th P. by using this 10 kills method ...i saw it on youtube and though it was unbelievable

my GT is o Shadyy xx

plzzz help me


Please add me on xbl on: eG x J A M E S thanks and you do i will tell and post any hacks or glitches i know. Thanks Post a comment or a message on xbl saying when you want me to be on then i will be on:)thanks


please can you invite me

my GT is ii E P 1 C x



invite me plz GT: ii E P 1 C x thanks (lower case x)


Gamertag: o iP w N a G e


Alright i just saw your video and that is awesome!!! My gamertag is o iP w N a G e( one space between the o and i). Message me or just invite if you chose me. Thanks