Modern Warfare 2 - 10th prestige in 10 kills - Xbox360

omfg no wai! Yes thats right you can get 10th prestige in 10 kills on the xbox 360 lots of people have been asking about this so here it is we had to cover the gamertags up due to IW getting mad but just put it down to "the usual suspects" hit the forums for an invite there is a sticky topic only post within that and we will invite you if we have any games running soon



"Modern Warfare 2 - 10th prestige in 10 kills - Xbox360" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3374 comments

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inv GT: BHL x IMOINIEY. I've boosted to 10th, inivite if u can get me from 10/1 to 10/70 in a few minutes. :] greatly appreicated


Plz invite me before its patched my GT:

RoQ x CoMpLeX


PLease invite me


Thankyou :)


my gt is jack the fat 1 and to be honest i been lookin around for ages n if u manage to do this i will be so happy


I would love 10th prestige :D,

Invite me now, GT: Technojunk


i would like your help getting to 10th prestige.i dont know anything about modding or stuff like that. so if you can help me that would be the best gamertag slipknot112666 thanks


invite me please i am from uk so cant give msp to americans


GT:Oo sniper brad i would love 10th plz


i would love an invite if possible :) GT: Mesrine Jak

Sorry but i do not have any ms points pls invit me at this lobby



Yesterday i have send 2100 msp to TTG Phisick x for the 10th prestige and he have don't create a lobby :(

Can you invite me for a lobby please

My GT : BH3 iBlasT

Thank you.