Modern Warfare 2 - 10th prestige in 10 kills - Xbox360

omfg no wai! Yes thats right you can get 10th prestige in 10 kills on the xbox 360 lots of people have been asking about this so here it is we had to cover the gamertags up due to IW getting mad but just put it down to "the usual suspects" hit the forums for an invite there is a sticky topic only post within that and we will invite you if we have any games running soon



"Modern Warfare 2 - 10th prestige in 10 kills - Xbox360" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3374 comments

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can you invite me to a lobby my gamertag is II McNELiiS X


my gamertag is xIkTx h4x0r

please invite...i can give u 1600 microsoft points he its done


GT: Carbonfuz

Searching for lobbies for days


If i could get an invite it would be much appreciated GT: ii toxiicz

I was wondering if weelilguitarist is from TTG


could sum 1 invite me sumtime gt: W A IL S IH Y


My gamertag is TbgNu and i would like an invite to the 10th prestige boosting along with my friend CRAZYTRAIN38597 i would really appreciate it if you invited us.


Iwould Love to be invited my GT is:The Awkward Cow thanks


will pay 48 hour trial

add: FaabulouZ


will be selling 5 10th prestige accounts for 1600 ms points my gamertag is:

Lx HeCTiiKZz x

message me the code and i will invite you to party


please, please invite me gt: KINLEY199