Xbox One Kinect 'can be turned completely off', confirms Microsoft rep

In response to concerns over privacy with its next-gen console, Microsoft has confirmed that the Xbox One and it's all-seeing Kinect sensor can be turned "completely off".

Concerns have arisen over the implications for potential breach of privacy with an always-on device that's equipped with an advanced camera and microphone array and a constant connection to the internet.
That you can turn on the console with a voice command - therefore suggesting that the Kinect sensor is 'always listening' even when in standby mode - has proven particularly unsettling for some.

Concerns have even been shared by the German federal commissioner for data protection and freedom of information Peter Schaar, who highlighted "Kinect's ability to monitor users even when the console is switched off".

Seeking to allay fears, Microsoft has confirmed that both the Xbox One and its Kinect - which is required for the console to function - can be shut down completely.

"Yes, you can turn the system completely off," a Microsoft rep told Kotaku. "This would use no power and turn everything off.

"We are designing the new Kinect with simple, easy methods to customize privacy settings, provide clear notifications and meaningful privacy choices for how data will be used, stored and shared.

The rep went on to assure that privacy protection will be a key focus for the new console.

"We know our customers want and expect strong privacy protections to be built into our products, devices and services, and for companies to be responsible stewards of their data. Microsoft has more than ten years of experience making privacy a top priority. Kinect for Xbox 360 was designed and built with strong privacy protections in place and the new Kinect will continue this commitment. We'll share more details later," they said.

Xbox One was revealed at an event on May 21, when Microsoft confirmed a launch for 'later this year'.

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"Xbox One Kinect 'can be turned completely off', confirms Microsoft rep" :: Login/Create an Account :: 74 comments

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I'm glad they cleared that up.


Thats good.


That's a little more re-assuring, next thing you know they might release "Xbox Sleep Patterns" on their next update kinda like they did with the whole fitness thing earlier this year lol.


Good, I don't want to be watched while I sleep in 1080p


This is good news but im still not impressed with them for other reasons


i dont like the kinect feature


With everyone who was hating this feature I wouldn't have been surprised they didn't do this sooner


Yea, but it will still be on when the Xbox is on.


TTG both the Xbox One and its Kinect - which is required for the console to function - can be shut down completely.

They mean BOTH the Kinect and the XboxOne have to be shut down, you can't just turn off the Kinect and have the One have nothing. You cannot turn off one or the other, they are basically manipulating the words.

I'm sure it will have to be turned on while the console is on.


Where is the surprise in this? This was eventually going to happen