PS4: Sony 'didn't consider' always-online requirement

Sony "didn't consider" introducing an always-online requirement for PS4.

That's according to Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Worldwide Studios, who told the latest issue of Game Informer.
"Did we consider it [always-online]? No, we didn't consider it. The main reason being that many countries don't have robust internet connections.

"It makes sense for people to have internet connections to play online games, but for offline games there are many countries that we saw do not really have robust internet... We didn't even consider that."

Yoshida's latest comments follow those he made about always-online systems in February, when he said of PS4: "You can play offline, but you may want to keep it connected.

"You can go offline totally," he added. "Social is big for us, but we understand there are some people who are anti-social! So if you don't want to connect to anyone else, you can do that."

An always-online requirement for Microsoft's Xbox successor has been heavily rumoured ahead of the next-gen Xbox reveal event on May 21, with multiple sources saying the console will require one and more recent reports claiming it won't.

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"PS4: Sony 'didn't consider' always-online requirement" :: Login/Create an Account :: 43 comments

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-CRE8- I believe that xbox always was on top and that it always will be on top.

I know I just jump on the band wagon that's why I got a 360 :/


hmm, im really stuck on what console to get :L


-CRE8- I believe that xbox always was on top and that it always will be on top.

I agree man they will always have the upper hand


Both of the consoles are going to get hate for this its not realistic and not everyone has Internet most people's Internet is off at a certain point in time


Both the consoles got much hate for it,

Even though i prefer to have the function to play offline i wouldn't mind having an always online function, The time i find myself playing online on consoles is roughly more then offline and i guess that counts for the majority of the people.

But it's nice to see sony keeping the offline function :)


I honestly don't see the purpose of having an always online console, doesn't that really defeat the purpose of owning a console? Being able to play where and when you want.


Lavish I don't know why they would. Microsoft got so much hate for it.

All that hate is time people are spending talking about Microsofts new console. It creates buzz and talk about the console, and thats what they want. They were probably never going to do an always online console but it sure got them some attention.


Big whoop, don't see how this is news. :P Microsoft did it, messed up, and sony is trying to be perfect, like always.


Well REALLY? Who believed all this? it'l be some lil kid that wants to be big who made the rumours about this for xbox aswell and idk as this time it'l be a competition! XBOX720- Illumiroom
PS4- No Details on new stuff yet...

And they both look SICK!
-TTG_K1LL3R / FF88


Lavish I don't know why they would. Microsoft got so much hate for it.

Yeah maybe Sony will release the better console