Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Removed Risque Photos

Capcom has explained that it removed rewards for risque photos from Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster because it is "no longer relevant" to the game's mechanics.

Dead Rising fans have been begging for the series to come back ever since the infamous fourth game seemed to spell the end of Capcom's other zombie-killing series. While it looked unlikely for a while, that's exactly what we're getting next month with Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, which acts as a remake of the original 2006 classic.

From what we've seen (and from my own experience playing the first few hours) of Deluxe Remaster so far, it looks to be a very faithful remake in most regards, especially when it comes to the gameplay mechanics. That being said, there are a few tweaks that have been made to the game's content to make it more in line with modern audiences, such as Larry Chiang being changed from a racist caricature.

The biggest change that's been made to Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster (and the one that's caused the most fuss online) is the removal of PP rewards for taking risque sexual photos of zombies and survivors. In the 2006 game, Frank would get experience points for taking "Erotica" photos, but Deluxe Remaster has completely removed that category and even changed some missions around.

Although the change was clearly made so that Frank wasn't being rewarded for sexualising women, Capcom hadn't officially commented on the matter until now. During an interview with Polygon, the game's developers were asked about the mechanic's removal, which led Capcom to explain that it no longer viewed "Erotica" as a relevant part of the photography gameplay since the themes aren't focused on that.

We feel that the overall themes of Dead Rising are not focused on erotica and therefore felt that the Erotica Points rewards were no longer relevant to the overall goals of the photography elements in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

That doesn't come as much of a surprise and basically confirms what we were all thinking, Capcom does go on to say that it has heard the requests from fans for "Erotica" points to be awarded for taking photos of male characters. It decided against it since "that sort of implementation woudln't be possible at this time", but it shows how much attention is being paid to the fans.

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lol more woke garbage just don't even remake the trash