New GTA V video flaunts series humour

New Grand Theft Auto V footage has been released via a Rockstar 'Epsilon' screensaver.

Viral marketing kicked off on the Take-Two owned website for Epsilon - a fictional religious cult across a number of GTA games - last year alongside a related Twitter account.
"The cult first emerged as a teaser site for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and [was] later referenced numerous times on radio stations and by pedestrians in the game itself," according to the GTA Wikia.

"The cult is an obvious scam, intended to gain money by brainwashing its followers into paying large sums of money, parodying the real life Church of Scientology."

Related Forum: Grand Theft Auto Forum



"New GTA V video flaunts series humour" :: Login/Create an Account :: 53 comments

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I have been playing GTA IV a ton lately getting myself pumped for this new game. I'm really excited for it.


The video has some really weird "facts" kind of entertaining I guess. I've never really played a GTA game so i'm going to have to get the new one.


I really hope they incorporate different types of vehicles in the game. Like the ATV. That's awesome.


Euler I have been waiting for this game for so so long, cannot wait!

we all have man


Slytherin With all the news I have been seeing about this game I am actually thinking about getting it, I have never gotten a GTA before though

Really surprised you didn't get GTA 4. That game was legendary! Hopefully they out do themselves

GTA 4 is the only one I got. All the others were kind of bad in my opinion

i played all gtas and loved them you should get this one.


Slytherin With all the news I have been seeing about this game I am actually thinking about getting it, I have never gotten a GTA before though

Really surprised you didn't get GTA 4. That game was legendary! Hopefully they out do themselves

GTA 4 is the only one I got. All the others were kind of bad in my opinion


Slytherin With all the news I have been seeing about this game I am actually thinking about getting it, I have never gotten a GTA before though

Really surprised you didn't get GTA 4. That game was legendary! Hopefully they out do themselves


With all the news I have been seeing about this game I am actually thinking about getting it, I have never gotten a GTA before though


Scientology. Hahah, This is a good one.


Drumstep Is this a new religion or something? lol?

Bes Anyone understand what this is?

interest i really dont get this :(

GRAPHlCS umm what the hell was that ._. ?

DubstepLobbies Dont Get This

Read the description above the video and it explains it.

They made a parody of the Church of Scientology. DO NOT BECOME A SCIENTOLOGIST! It is a cult of evil people that just want your money and everything you own. If something makes fun of them as GTA is doing now, they instantly send spies to bring down those people/company. Well South Park made fun of them and Scientology sent spies as interns and they tried to bring down the creators of South Park. Well the Spies FAILED. Now they will do this against Rockstar.

THIS is a hoax do not believe what they tell you: