First Concord Gameplay and Release Date Revealed

Firewalk Games kicked off the PlayStation State of Play with a double dose of Concord, with a gameplay trailer and a character vignette. And if that whets the appetite, Concord’s release date is actually pretty soon.

Before gameplay, we were treated to a vignette that introduced some of the (literally) colorful characters featured in Concord. A faceoff in a diner led to an on-the-run battle where abilities were showcased, culminating in a gutsy escape.

Then we were treated to Concord gameplay, and I’m sure I am not alone in that the first words that popped into my head were, ”Overwatch but Guardians of the Galaxy.” To give the game some credit, there does seem to be more to it than that.

In Concord, you have the power to be the game-changer for your team. Choose from a wide roster of characters and role types, each with unique abilities and personalities. Take on rival Freegunner crews in daring space heists in six different online 5v5 PVP modes across a variety of exotic and fantastical maps that span the different planets of the ever-expanding Concord Galaxy.

Interestingly, Firewalk devs mentioned inspirations included fighting and strategy games, which certainly intrigued me.

Also, it looks to make the most of its live service nature by having weekly narrative cinematics that flesh out its characters.

You can pre-order Concord from June 6, 2024. That gets you into July’s Beta Early Access, where you can bring along four other friends.

Concord lands on PS5 on August 23, 2024.

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"First Concord Gameplay and Release Date Revealed" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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Runts That cinematic reveal looks really good

yeah, it certainly was impressive fr

loved watching it, going to watch it again :lipbite:


That cinematic reveal looks really good