Modern Warfare 3 After-Credits Scene Discovered 13 Years Later

A scrapped Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 after-credits scene has been uncovered nearly 13 years following the game's release. The brief clip reveals that the developers once had an even darker ending in mind for Modern Warfare 3.

At the end of the 2011 game, Captain John Price and Yuri track down Makarov to a hotel in Dubai. They launch an assault on the facility, eventually managing to corner the iconic FPS villain after Price crashes his helicopter on the building's rooftop during his escape attempt. Makarov then emerges from the wreckage and grabs a gun, preparing to kill Price before being shot by Yuri. He manages to kill Yuri in retaliation, but is distracted for long enough for Price to get a jump on him and hang him with a steel cable after performing a crash dive through the hotel's glass ceiling. Price crawls across the shattered glass and lights a cigar while watching Makarov's corpse before the credits roll.

And while the game hence implies that Price survived the hotel assault, Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games may have originally had different plans. That's according to a newly discovered after-credits scene unearthed by Call of Duty modder Vlad Loktionov. The 50-second video appears to take place shortly following the ending set piece, as it shows a mysterious, partially obscured man in a suit observing the site of Makarov's hanging. As the shadowy figure turns around and leaves, Price's vision becomes blurry, and he drops both his cigar and head, remaining motionless. The scene then fades to black, before transitioning to a photo of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's Operation Kingfish team.

The scene came as a surprise to many Call of Duty fans, as few have ever interpreted the game's ending as Price being on his deathbed. On the contrary, the cheeky act of lighting a cigar after the final fight suggested that his wounds weren't so severe as to be life-threatening. The fact that the Operation Kingfish photo is shown immediately afterward appears to underline Price's death, as all the other team members depicted in the image are also dead by that point in the story.

But since this scene didn't make the cut, it cannot be considered canon. After all, both Call of Duty: Heroes and Call of Duty: Mobile flat-out state that Price survived the events of the 2011 game. Given how many of Call of Duty's saddest deaths happen in Modern Warfare 3, the shooter is already plenty dark as is. As to the identity of the shadowy figure seen in the after-credits scene, fans have speculated it to be everyone from a miraculously alive Imran Zakhaev to the Grim Reaper himself.

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"Modern Warfare 3 After-Credits Scene Discovered 13 Years Later" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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crazy to find out they find crazy stuff like this


I think its crazy how after 13 years they found an after-credits scene!


How have I never seen this ! Damn