EA Sports College Football 25 Trailer Reveals New Gameplay, Modes

On May 16th, developer Electronic Arts finally revealed the cover for the highly anticipated EA Sports College Football 25. Seeing some of the sport's best and brightest on an official cover is undoubtedly exciting, but the real meat is in the gameplay and mode details. Thankfully, fans didn't have to wait very long to see EA Sports College Football 25 in action. Today, Electronic Arts dropped a substantial new trailer, showing off College Football 25's on-field gameplay and giving fans a teaser of what to expect from its various modes.

We've known for a while now that EA Sports College Football 25 was going to use the same gameplay engine as the Madden franchise, but EA is doing what it can to differentiate the games in key ways. The most notable example seems to be what EA is calling CampusIQ, which is said to mimic "the explosiveness of college football game days." Of course, it's hard to know exactly how well that will work in practice, so we'll have to wait until we can get hands-on College Football 25 to make a final judgment.

College Football 25 is also hyping up its Wear & Tear System, which seeks to replicate how players' bodies wear down while giving and receiving hits on the gridiron. Because these players aren't at the pro level, you're going to need to be a little more strategic with how you sub in and out to make sure your best players are ready for the biggest moments. The team is also implementing something called Pre-Snap Recognition, which puts more emphasis on reading your team and the opponent before the ball is even snapped. Your untested freshman might struggle in the bright lights and it's up to you as a coach to see that and adjust accordingly.

EA is also trying to replicate the game-day atmosphere of a college campus. That means teams will have home-field advantages you'll need to overcome, which should be familiar to anyone who has played the last few Maddens. College Football 25 will also add all kinds of collegiate pageantry and traditions to bring the stadium to your home. Whether that's fight songs or mascots, it should all be in the game.

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Source: https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/ea-sports-college-football-25-reveals-new-gameplay-modes-ps5-xbox/


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typical EA doing stuff like this ffs


Never liked sports or even sports video games at all