Next gen Xbox will have Blu-Ray!

Earlier today, a Microsoft Durango Development Kit popped up on the internet. Included with the leak were 5 images of the "Microsoft Durango XDK Documentation Setup" which shed light on previously unknown parts of the console's hardware and functionality.  

What we find to be the most significant aspect of the leaked documentation can be seen in the image below. It says: "Durango consoles will have a Blu-Ray Disc drive. Disc media will be used for distribution, but during gameplay, games will not use content from the optical disc." What do you think of this?



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Starify I would hope it had Blue Ray. I would be suprised if it didn't. I can't wait to hear about how disk's can even be played, or if we will have to install those as well.

All sounds good from what has been released so far

Im sure they will have blu-ray. For obvious reasons..


Starify I would hope it had Blue Ray. I would be suprised if it didn't. I can't wait to hear about how disk's can even be played, or if we will have to install those as well.

That would be a pain installing every movie.

yeah thats true /:
but we don't know if this information is 100 % true.

Why wouldnt they put a blu ray player in?

Im sure they would, its just this info is not confirmed by microsoft.


Starify I would hope it had Blue Ray. I would be suprised if it didn't. I can't wait to hear about how disk's can even be played, or if we will have to install those as well.

That would be a pain installing every movie.

yeah thats true /:
but we don't know if this information is 100 % true.

Why wouldnt they put a blu ray player in?


Starify I would hope it had Blue Ray. I would be suprised if it didn't. I can't wait to hear about how disk's can even be played, or if we will have to install those as well.

All sounds good from what has been released so far


It was expected that it would have a blu ray..


Hmm, me gusta. I mean, you'd expect it to have Blu-Ray anyway.


Starify I would hope it had Blue Ray. I would be suprised if it didn't. I can't wait to hear about how disk's can even be played, or if we will have to install those as well.

That would be a pain installing every movie.

yeah thats true /:
but we don't know if this information is 100 % true.


Starify I would hope it had Blue Ray. I would be suprised if it didn't. I can't wait to hear about how disk's can even be played, or if we will have to install those as well.

That would be a pain installing every movie.


I would hope it had Blue Ray. I would be suprised if it didn't. I can't wait to hear about how disk's can even be played, or if we will have to install those as well.


-Twerk I Have My Own But It Still Will Be Nice Though.And Alot Of People Switched To PS3 Because They Had A Blueray My Opinion

I wouldn't see the point of switching to ps3 just for the blu ray. A blu ray player is only like 70 bucks nowadays and would you really buy a console just so you can watch a DVD a little bit clearer?