Halo 4 Getting Free Forge Island Map

Halo 4 Forge creators rejoice, a new Forge Map with a series of wide open spaces is coming on April 11, it's a free, and it's called Forge Island.

It's actually a series of three islands in one giant open water area. The first island is a very large open space, the other two are medium and small sized. All three are very flat and unobstructed for pixel perfect Forging. Forge Island is compatible with the current set of Forge tools, but it will also introduce some new items into the Forge palette as well.

We got our first look at the new areas today during 343i's PAX East Halo 4 panel, which included a demo walkthrough of a custom-built version of the classic Halo: Combat Evolved map, Hang 'Em High.

Forge Island will be available to download for free on April 11th, just a few days after the Castle Map Pack, which will be available for download on April 8th.

343i also talked about changes coming in its third Title Update to Halo 4. Specifically, the TU will include balancing updates to the Active Camp and Gauss Warthog, but more notably, it will see the return of the "X" marker on the HUD when a team mate is killed.


Source: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/03/22/halo-4-getting-free-forge-island-map


"Halo 4 Getting Free Forge Island Map" :: Login/Create an Account :: 284 comments

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Jelly_Bean Finally a map i can forge on, Hopefully it is like forge world but flatter.

Yeah i agree, the maps need to be flatter!

yeah i agree


Jelly_Bean Finally a map i can forge on, Hopefully it is like forge world but flatter.

Yeah i agree, the maps need to be flatter!


Oh goody, it comes out on my birthday. I havent played halo for a long while basically because there was no download custom game features til a while back.


Finally a map i can forge on, Hopefully it is like forge world but flatter.


Poi_Jr Free is free. Looks like im getting it.

I like that attitude ;)


DSR These maps look good

The new title update looks pretty nice as well, i am glad to see the return of the X marker. I have missed that.


These maps look good


Brad- They took their time to bring this out! But hey, better late then never :D



Tuba I remember playing forge, that was so fun. Def. gonna check this map out

Don't see why not as its free

Yea, very nice of bungie.

you mean 343i as bungie no longer does halo
Haha, i was about to post that.


Tuba I remember playing forge, that was so fun. Def. gonna check this map out

Don't see why not as its free

Yea, very nice of bungie.

you mean 343i as bungie no longer does halo