Gears of War: Judgment multiplayer demo out now

Weighing in at 739.32 MB on Xbox Live Marketplace, the online taster lets players sample OverRun mode, the series' first class-based, competitive multiplayer offering.
Essentially, OverRun transplants Battlefield 3's Rush mode to Gears-sized maps, retrofitting it for five-on-five matches, we said in our Gears of War: Judgment review.

Any XP earned in the demo will carry over to the final game if you purchase and play the shooter in the first week following today's Gears of War: Judgment release date.




"Gears of War: Judgment multiplayer demo out now" :: Login/Create an Account :: 174 comments

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Poi_Jr The beta was a lot of fun.

Wish i couldve tested it, i missed it :(

Well now the demo is out so don't worry about it haha


Axe I don't know how everyone plays this game series. I could never get into the 3rd person shooters.

Me either.. I can hardly play it just when my cousin comes over..


Poi_Jr The beta was a lot of fun.

Wish i couldve tested it, i missed it :(


The beta was a lot of fun.


Cygnet Never liked Gears of war....So I dont think ill be picking this one up any time soon...maybe if I hear some more good reviews or something I might give it a shot :/

You midswell try it . Its a free demo , so why not?


Never liked Gears of war....So I dont think ill be picking this one up any time soon...maybe if I hear some more good reviews or something I might give it a shot :/


I always enjoyed playing gears, I was never really good at it lol, but I enjoyed it...especially Horde, but Ive heard that horde isnt in this and that you can only have one primary. What does this mean? This means that people will prob. only be using the Gnasher and the Gnasher only.


Ida This game is soooo much worse than any other gears. Don't waste your money on it!

havent even played it yet /:


Overrun is very fun to me, I think I'll pick up this game.


I don't know how everyone plays this game series. I could never get into the 3rd person shooters.