SimCity sales pass 1.1 million despite launch debacle

Even after all the issues during its launch, SimCity, has managed to sell over 1.1 million copies during its first two weeks post launch. According to EA reports this SimCity launch is the largest in its franchise. Out of the over million copies sold 54% of them were downloaded via Origin while 44% of total sales were done completely through Origin.

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"SimCity sales pass 1.1 million despite launch debacle" :: Login/Create an Account :: 168 comments

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MTV 1.1 million is crazy for a game like this. I wouldn't of expected it.

Yeah, I dont think anyone was expecting this. Thats just crazy.

It is a Sims game..

Seriously, the sims are really popular, i dont think anyone was NOT expecting this lol.


MTV 1.1 million is crazy for a game like this. I wouldn't of expected it.

Yeah, I dont think anyone was expecting this. Thats just crazy.

It is a Sims game..


Axe Sims is a pretty fun game to play when you are bored, so Im not really suprised by this. But what I am interested in knowing is, Can you even play the game yet? Because I heard like a week ago that the servers failed them.

I've heard so much bad stuff about this game and the weeks after its release..


I remember playing one of the first sims on my dads "custom built computer" back in 2000, that game was a boss...once I finish my custom computer, Im thinking about buying simcity :) it looks really fun


Sims is a pretty fun game to play when you are bored, so Im not really suprised by this. But what I am interested in knowing is, Can you even play the game yet? Because I heard like a week ago that the servers failed them.


1.1 million is crazy for a game like this. I wouldn't of expected it.


Tuba I really need to get simcity so I can get bf3 with it lol

i suggest getting it.. BF3 rules


I really need to get simcity so I can get bf3 with it lol


They They're going to sell a lot more now that you get a free game with it. After that sales will probably die a lot.

This exactly what i was thinking.

Yeah because you can get Dead Space 3 for free. :)

That would be my choice if I had the SimCity game, I won't be getting it though.

The deal is pretty good right now, basically 2 games for the price of 1.

im getting it its a good deal :D


Never played any Sims games, is it worth it?