2013 Wii U sales struggling

Nintendo's console sold just over 57,000 units in January, managing to increase that number to over 64,000 units in February. It has been a rough start of the year, with the console having one of the worst recorded sales of the new year compared to current-generation consoles (Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3). In comparison, the Xbox 360 was at top of the hardware charts with 302,000 units sold.

At the time of the launch the Wii U sold over 3 million units by the end of December, a decent launch that outpaced others in recent history, but sales have since fallen significantly as the console has suffered from a lack of new releases.

Overall hardware sales are down 36% compared to where they were last February in the U.S. due to many people waiting for the new generation consoles.

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"2013 Wii U sales struggling" :: Login/Create an Account :: 285 comments

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Vlif i don't think its going to get any better

probably not

A lot of company's go through rough times and come out being successful.

but not with the same thing that has been sucking. Maybe if they release a new console, not similar to their last.

True, true. Their audience also aims towards the family recreational area and most 10 year olds these days just want the newest CoD game :|


The Wii U and Wii alike are both horrid gaming systems for actual gamers. They are alright for mess around less serious people, and families but for the majority of the gaming community they are just rubbish.


PS3 sold really badly at 1st and now it's sold more than 360 although the Wii easily outsold both of them by 30 million.I really can't beleive people thibnk it's a Wii.... it's a "Wii U" !! Nintendo aren't exactly struggling btw it's like some of you think they are on the verge of being bankrupt the way your talking.I'm sure Sony pay people to post lies about other consoles to make themselves look better,the sad thing is the amount of people that beleive things people post without even checking the facts for themselves.


Vlif i don't think its going to get any better

probably not

A lot of company's go through rough times and come out being successful.

but not with the same thing that has been sucking. Maybe if they release a new console, not similar to their last.


-RageQuit- I wonder if they discontinue the Wii u won't be there first console to discontinue

What other consoles have they discontinued?


Vlif i don't think its going to get any better

probably not

A lot of company's go through rough times and come out being successful.

Including nintendo :p

Thank you, I believe they will come back but with a new product not the Wii


I wonder if they discontinue the Wii u won't be there first console to discontinue


Vlif i don't think its going to get any better

probably not

A lot of company's go through rough times and come out being successful.

Including nintendo :p


Vlif i don't think its going to get any better

probably not

A lot of company's go through rough times and come out being successful.


Vlif i don't think its going to get any better

probably not