Saints Row 4 receives release date & trailer

Just a few moments ago, a trailer was released for Saints Row 4, along with an official release date, which is August 20th, 2013 and has a release date of August 23rd in Europe.

It is noted that this isn't just Saints Row 3's "Enter the Dominatrix" DLC on a disk.
"That expansion was cancelled and elements of it were rolled into Saints Row 4," a spokesperson for publisher Deep Silver tells sources. "There will be a director's cut of Enter the Dominatrix released as DLC when SR4 comes out."

The game is being developed for PC and "current-gen consoles." In a follow-up, we clarified that does not include Wii U.

Here is the trailer, if you haven't seen it yet.
(I can't help but think this is just Saints Row 3 with different stuff added - Saints Row 3.5 anyone?)

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"Saints Row 4 receives release date & trailer" :: Login/Create an Account :: 327 comments

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Hopefully they'll bump up the graphics a bit...


Chi This looks just like the third..

I think it does too.

You can't really tell from this trailer, it's messy.

I totally agree with SOG you really cant judge it at this time with a teaser


Chi This looks just like the third..

I think it does too.

You can't really tell from this trailer, it's messy.


Chi This looks just like the third..

I think it does too.


This looks just like the third..


Amendment This game looks stupid xD

I dont see why everyone is hating on it. They havent even seen it yet.

It just looks like a huge fail, don't you agree?

It's a pretty wacky game, what do you expect from a trailer? :P


Amendment This game looks stupid xD

I dont see why everyone is hating on it. They havent even seen it yet.

It just looks like a huge fail, don't you agree?


Amendment This game looks stupid xD

I dont see why everyone is hating on it. They havent even seen it yet.


This game looks stupid xD


Those Heros look cool