iPhone 5S may include fingerprint sensor and NFC


Its appears that Apple may be adding NFC and fingerprint technology into the iPhone 5S with a report suggesting that the company will use the fingerprint sensor to improve the security of NFC features such as payment handling.

China Times has reported that Chipbond,a chinese chipmaker , was selected by Apple to manufacture these components for use in the iPhone 5S.

Foxconn has also seemingly started production on the iPhone 5S and are preparing to really step up manufacturing, according to Macotakara, which has previously provided accurate details in that past. Macotakara also reports that leading Japanese carrier NTT DoCoMo may finally begin selling the iPhone with the release of the 5S.

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"iPhone 5S may include fingerprint sensor and NFC" :: Login/Create an Account :: 257 comments

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Good it will stop people stealing your phone lol


That sounds like a lot for such a small device.


M60 i love the way technology is going means if you lose your phone then no one can use it

I agree, but the fingerprint thing seems a bit extreme.


i love the way technology is going means if you lose your phone then no one can use it


Kyle0701 I agree it does suck that they come out with a new iphone basically every year but I mean the same people still buy it every year and they gain tons of money so why not ?

i bought the iphone 4s.. never going back lol

lol same going for galaxy


A_Random_Guyyy This would be a great improvement in my opinion.

Why exactly? It only adds a few more functions..

lol more like 1 good thing added.


Poi We will just have to wait and see...

Im gonna be honest, i doubt it will happen.

i think it will :D

Just for payment stuff? That creates a whole new database of everyone's fingerprints..

idk.. lol.. probably

I don't like the idea of my fingerprints being recorded into an online database


A_Random_Guyyy This would be a great improvement in my opinion.

Why exactly? It only adds a few more functions..


A_Random_Guyyy This would be a great improvement in my opinion.

It's the same s*** year in year out, ok guys what shall we do.. Well we dont have a finger print reader yet" :OOOOOOOOOOO HE'S CORRECT SIMON WRITE IT DOWN!"


This would be a great improvement in my opinion.