Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition Skin Pack 4 Features Borderlands Characters

4J Studios is prepping a new skin pack for their Xbox 360 version of Minecraft. Below the article you will find a few images showcasing the pack. The pack featues four Borderlands characters as well as two non borderlands characters including Barry Steakfries, some master chief look a likes, assassin creed style skins, and a snazzy looking creeper. The pack is March 13th, price assumed to be 160 MSP.

Below you will find screenshots of the skin pack and a video supplied to us by EcKo x Soldier who was received the code from 4J Studios via Twitter.

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"Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition Skin Pack 4 Features Borderlands Characters" :: Login/Create an Account :: 253 comments

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Looks good, I'm going to get them tomorrow.


Iglesias How do skins work on the 360? Do you pay with MSP?

Yes, then you just go into the options in-game to change it.

This skin pack looks great!


How do skins work on the 360? Do you pay with MSP?


The Claptrap skin looks awesome.


This sucks, I really wish I still had my xbox 360 :(


Looks cool. I want it


Oh my god, claptrap. My life is completed now, that is amazing!


Some famoose youtubers got a early code for the skin packs.


I like the Red and Blue master chief skins, but when will we be able to customize our own skins? :(


That's pretty cool, I might get this.