Analyst: PS4 and next-gen Xbox games will cost $70

Michael Pachter, a well known game financial analysts who works at Wedbush Securities made a prediction this weekend at a panel at the the South by Southwest panel in Austin, Texas, that the successor to the Xbox 360 would win the next generation console wars.
He also predicts that gamers will have to spend more money on their next-gen Xbox games as well as for games made for Sony's PlayStation 4 console.

Sources reports that during his talk, Pachter said that games for both consoles would cost $70, which is $10 more than the current high price most PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 retail games. The $60 price tag was $10 higher than games for the PlayStation 2 and the original Xbox.

Pachter's predictions would seem to be going against statements made by a Sony executive just after the announcement of the PlayStation 4 in February. At that time, Sony Computer Entertainment America CEO Jack Tretton claimed on CNBC that PS4 games would have a maximum price of $60. There's no information on why Pachter believes that PS4 games would be $10 higher than Tretton's limit.

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@Ero, PC's are expensive to maintain, so the prices are quite similar.


EMT That's so stupid. They should just keep it at sixty

Just witch to PC man not that big of a deal.

Yeah ERO you have a good point there PC Gaming will be cheaper games wise
but these newer games require better parts so Higher end graphics cards and
so forth

Yea thats why you buy one good PC and it will last for about three years then you will need an upgrade

But high end PC's now days cost alot of money with these newer games required more higher end parts to get a playable amount of frames


EMT That's so stupid. They should just keep it at sixty

i don't see what they did wrong +$10 ofcourse cause its a new console :)


EMT That's so stupid. They should just keep it at sixty

Just witch to PC man not that big of a deal.

Yeah ERO you have a good point there PC Gaming will be cheaper games wise
but these newer games require better parts so Higher end graphics cards and
so forth

Yea thats why you buy one good PC and it will last for about three years then you will need an upgrade


EMT That's so stupid. They should just keep it at sixty

Just witch to PC man not that big of a deal.

Yeah ERO you have a good point there PC Gaming will be cheaper games wise
but these newer games require better parts so Higher end graphics cards and
so forth


EMT That's so stupid. They should just keep it at sixty

Just witch to PC man not that big of a deal.


That's so stupid. They should just keep it at sixty


HTG_x_illuzionz We already pay to much for games and all they are going to do is keep raising the price

For now it's only $10, but it will keep adding up.

What do you mean are $10? Games? O_O

He meant its $10 more to the price of current games


HTG_x_illuzionz We already pay to much for games and all they are going to do is keep raising the price

For now it's only $10, but it will keep adding up.

What do you mean are $10? Games? O_O


HTG_x_illuzionz We already pay to much for games and all they are going to do is keep raising the price

For now it's only $10, but it will keep adding up.

Yeah, they will raise them for high quality/demand games.

It's gonna peak to like $100 per game