Assassin's Creed 4 Release date + trailer now live.

You may have seen our article about how Assassin's Creed has been confirmed for next generation consoles - but what that didn't include was a release date, and a vital worldwide reveal trailer!

The planned release date for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is November 1st, 2013 - And is now available to pre-order.

Here is the trailer, if you some how haven't seen it yet!

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"Assassin's Creed 4 Release date + trailer now live." :: Login/Create an Account :: 259 comments

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Gossip Didnt they just realease Assasins Creed 3?

Didn't they release it inn like November ?


Didnt they just realease Assasins Creed 3?


I feel like the story will be either amazing or too outdone, I liked AC3 because it was their twist on history.


Looks great.


Gatorade- They are now just milking the series. I probably wont buy this as Assassins Creed 3 did not live up to the hype. Greatest one was AC2
(Top 10 game for me of all time)

AC2 was an amazing game, I didn't think much about Brotherhood but I watched about 3 hours of gameplay from AC3 and it looked amazing!


They are now just milking the series. I probably wont buy this as Assassins Creed 3 did not live up to the hype. Greatest one was AC2
(Top 10 game for me of all time)


Looks good cant beleave there making another AC


Looks like a nice game.


Wow it looks good thank you for the news TTG ;)


The graphics look very good, although i think they need to slow down, there making these games just for the money and they come out twice a year.