UK retailers Asda and ShopTo mark Wii U down below £200

UK retailers ShopTo and Asda are now selling the Wii U Basic Pack below £200 prices, making the purchase more than 20 percent off the launch price after just three months.

Wal-Mart owned supermarket chain Asda has taken £50 off the launch prices of both the 8GB basic and the 32GB Premium Packs on its online store. This makes the prices £199 (Around $300) and £249 ($375) respectively. ShopTo has went a little further and is selling the Basic Pack at £189.95. The 8GB packs do not come with additional games, however, the 32GB Premium Pack does include Nintendo Land.

Asda and ShopTo are the only two who are not selling at the launch price, or at least very close to it. Earlier this year, Nintendo cut the Wii U's life-to-date projections for the end of March 2013 by 1.5 million, which is down to 4M units.

Nintendo will be hoping that March treats them a lot better when a number Wii U releases such as Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Lego City Undercover, The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, and Need for Speed: Most Wanted come to the public.

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Feet I don't think Nintendo will survive to make another console.

They could. It depends on how much time they take on it.


I don't think Nintendo will survive to make another console.


Zwrq Finally, a markdown!



Wii U is going to be really behind with the release of nextgen consoles.


Finally, a markdown!


VEVO I expected that to happen. Sad, really. The company has so much potential but they stuck with similar tech with the addition of a touchscreen. I don't want to see them fall under. They were my childhood. :(

The only reason they are is because they aren't making up to date console right, they need to go back to retro consoles.


Poor Nintendo, I might ask for a wiiu for my birthday or something. Either the Wiiu or the Ouya..


SOG It's about time they did this, now they might actually get some sales.

I still see Nintendo going under... :(

They are, big time.

Its sad, because they ruled gaming at one point.

Yea, they just need one big hit and they could go to the top again.

like a new nintendo ______ console...


Woobie Kinect alone is better than all the tech in the Wii.

Too bad this isn't the Wii, idiot.


I expected that to happen. Sad, really. The company has so much potential but they stuck with similar tech with the addition of a touchscreen. I don't want to see them fall under. They were my childhood. :(