Microsoft Hiring Hacker For Next Xbox Experience?

Microsoft is looking to hire what appears to be a person with a solid background in hacking.

In a job listing on Microsoft's site for a Service Engineer, the company describes their ideal candidate as someone who tends to "void the warranty on every device" they own, and make "devices do things never intended by the manufacturer."

"We are looking for a Senior Service Engineer to help define the next generation of entertainment devices and services, and to help ensure our customers have the best possible experience, even when things go wrong. Well-qualified candidates have extensive experience in running web-based services, deconstructing interaction between client and servers (via a combination of logging, network traces, and so on); have a good understanding of C# and/or PowerShell, and excellent ability to communicate verbally and on paper."

They do make references to the "next generation of entertainment," so it is probably safe to say that this is related Xbox 720 in some form.

Or, this could just be a move by Microsoft to enhance its security for the Xbox 720. Piracy and hacks have become almost too easy to do on the Xbox 360, so it's easy to think Microsoft would want to recruit some fresh knowledge in this area.

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"Microsoft Hiring Hacker For Next Xbox Experience?" :: Login/Create an Account :: 258 comments

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This is a good idea. It'll reduce the chances of getting hacked.


Soulful Seems like a good idea to hire a professional hacker, if there's anyway to actually get through, they will find that out before someone else does.

I like that.

Yeah, it's smart and will help us reduce the useless hacking that goes on.


Microsoft must be really desperate


Onitehcamper I guarantee that within a month of release, there will be a found exploit.

Yes, but it will be patched soon after.

Yea lol

No, it won't be that easy to get into this system.


Onitehcamper I guarantee that within a month of release, there will be a found exploit.

Yes, but it will be patched soon after.

Yea lol


Onitehcamper I guarantee that within a month of release, there will be a found exploit.

Yes, but it will be patched soon after.


I guarantee that within a month of release, there will be a found exploit.


SOG This should secure the console nicely!

I hope it does.


SOG This should secure the console nicely!

I sure hope so!


Good, to many people keep hacked lately.