J.J. Abrams could be involved in new Portal or Half-Life movie

J.J. Abrams and Valve co-founder Gabe Newell recently discussed the possibilities of creating a new Half-Life or a Portal movie.

"We're going to try and figure out if we can make a Half-Life movie or a Portal movie together," said Gabe Newell.

According to these two, they wanted to pursure this dialogue more seriously, and now hope to collaborate on a film based in some way on Half-Life or Portal.

As of now, there are no details available beyond the brief announcement, most likely because this process is in the very early stages.

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"J.J. Abrams could be involved in new Portal or Half-Life movie" :: Login/Create an Account :: 89 comments

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Swagasaur How in the world will they make a portal movie, well i have never played the game but i have seen game-plays looks like a fun game.

It would take a lot of special effects and editing, but so did Star Wars. J.J. Abrams is a great director, I think this movie would come out awesome.

I really hope this doesn't flop, it has potential.


Swagasaur How in the world will they make a portal movie, well i have never played the game but i have seen game-plays looks like a fun game.

Yeah how would they make a movie of Portal? It is kind of a hit or miss situation, either it does well or it sucks.

i think that it will do awesome! ;P


As many others have said, J.J. Abrams is a talented director, I am intrigued in the idea and would like to see what they come up with.


Swagasaur How in the world will they make a portal movie, well i have never played the game but i have seen game-plays looks like a fun game.

It would take a lot of special effects and editing, but so did Star Wars. J.J. Abrams is a great director, I think this movie would come out awesome.


Swagasaur How in the world will they make a portal movie, well i have never played the game but i have seen game-plays looks like a fun game.

Yeah how would they make a movie of Portal? It is kind of a hit or miss situation, either it does well or it sucks.


How in the world will they make a portal movie, well i have never played the game but i have seen game-plays looks like a fun game.


Centurial I wonder how this would turn out.

It would probably be great considering J.J. Abrams would be creating it... But you never know, most people say video games that get turned into movies suck.

Yeah that's true. Maybe this one could be different. You never know.

I do think it will be good though, because why would such a good director ruin his rep? I think it's going to be great, maybe it'll surprise us.


Half life wouldn't be too bad but portal wouldn't turn out well imo


A Portal.... movie. I can only imagine how much of a win or loss that would be. I can't decide on which one though.


thats is going to be sweet.