Rumor: Project Gotham Racing 5 to be Next-gen Xbox launch title

It is rumored that Microsoft is preparing a brand new installment in the Project Gotham series as a launch title for the Next Xbox.

Sources say that a number of former Bizarre Creations and Criterion developers are working on the title at the new Liverpool studio, Lucid Games. The project is apparently to be based on an upgraded version of existing PGR code.

The source also believes that other Bizarre devs, with a number of former Studio Liverpool staff, have joined with MotorStorm creators, Evolution Studios, to create a new racing IP that is planned to be a PS4 launch title.

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"Rumor: Project Gotham Racing 5 to be Next-gen Xbox launch title" :: Login/Create an Account :: 91 comments

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The only racing game i ever liked is test drive unlimited, is this anything like it?


ExoticWolfs Never played it. D: I will have to try this one. :P

I've never played it either, but it looks pretty cool so I will have to try it out too.

same i might try it out someday haha


Vaas- I cant belive these people havent heard of PGR its one of the best xbox racing titles to date, I was beginning to think xbox is no longer full of trickshotters who havent heard of anything but that shitty game COD

You're half right. 70% of XBL doesn't own any games other then CoD.

I wouldn't say 70% but pretty close, the amount of people playing CoD has been slowly decreasing for a few years now.


Bizarre Creations was disbanded a LONG time ago.

This is fake.


Vaas- I cant belive these people havent heard of PGR its one of the best xbox racing titles to date, I was beginning to think xbox is no longer full of trickshotters who havent heard of anything but that shitty game COD

You're half right. 70% of XBL doesn't own any games other then CoD.


ExoticWolfs Never played it. D: I will have to try this one. :P

I've never played it either, but it looks pretty cool so I will have to try it out too.


Never played it. D: I will have to try this one. :P


Easily true, one of the better racers ever made. I would be happy to get this bundled with a new gen Xbox.


Wow it's been like 6 years since one came out


Vaas- I cant belive these people havent heard of PGR its one of the best xbox racing titles to date, I was beginning to think xbox is no longer full of trickshotters who havent heard of anything but that shitty game COD

I was beginning to think the people on TTG couldn't get any more stupid, but you proved me wrong. The last PGR on a console came out in 2007, most people on here are probably 13-16 years old, so they weren't even in the double digits before the last PGR came out.