Twitter hacked, up to 250,000 accounts compromised

2013 is already starting to be a bad year for security, when Twitter today reported that their security systems were breached and information for around 250,000 accounts may have been accessed. Twitter's Director of Information Security Bob Lord says that usernames, email addresses, session tokens and encrypted/salted passwords were potentially accessed, but "nothing more serious than that."

As Twitter's stored passwords are encrypted there's little chance that the hackers could reveal the actual plain text password, but as a "precautionary security measure" Twitter has reset the passwords and revoked session tokens for all affected accounts.

Twitter managed to discover the attack while it was in to process of accessing unauthorized data, which meant they could shut it down before any more data was accessed.

Twitter is working with law enforcement agencies to try and find the people responsible for the recent attack, while also telling people to disable Java on their computers.

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"Twitter hacked, up to 250,000 accounts compromised" :: Login/Create an Account :: 115 comments

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Dang, 250,000....


CNTB That's not that many accounts compared to how Many people have

thats still a Sh*t load!


CNTB That's not that many accounts compared to how Many people have

Yeah, but that is a lot to be hacked.


That's not that many accounts compared to how Many people have


Well that sucks for the people who got hacked.


hahahha gutted twitter thats why i dont have twitter


My account was hacked


Don't think it's too serious.


AR15 They sent out emails to the effected people so that they could reset their emails and passwords, but said it would be a wise idea for everyone to reset their information even if you weren't effected.

Well, I did anyways. This sucks for twitter, it's the only social media website parents haven't ruined yet...

Parents haven't ruined it.

I know, that's what I was saying. Parents ruined facebook. It would suck if Twitter's site actually got hacked, and not just a couple accounts. I'm just saying Twitter is great, and I don't want it to get ruined by hackers :/


FruitTelli Changing my password now...

I don't use my Twitter much but that's a smart idea. I'm gonna change mine know.