Wii Mini is little in size and comes with little features

The Wii Mini is a redesigned, and you guessed it, smaller version of the Wii for Canada only.

Unlike the smooth and shiny Wii, the Wii Mini is textured and surrounded by a big red bumper pad to give it that "rugged" look, although we don't advise anyone testing out the limitations of it, as it may void your warranty.

The Wii Mini also comes with the top-loading disc drive instead of the slot-loading version we've become accustomed to. Some of the other changes include the lack of Internet connectivity, and missing channels. The Wii Mini only comes with the Disc Channel, Mii Maker, and Wii Manual, and that's it.

The Wii Mini also does not support component output, so for those of you who want to use the cables that your Wii uses, you're unfortunately out of luck. The manual says, "IMPORTANT: The Wii Mini console will not work with any AV cable other than the model supplied."

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"Wii Mini is little in size and comes with little features" :: Login/Create an Account :: 48 comments

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Wakerz421 Idiots. the Nintendo DS is better than this piece of ****.

That's a very strong comment.


What is the whole point of this peice of doo doo console.


Idiots. the Nintendo DS is better than this piece of shit.


-Syn This dosn't look like it will be very good.



This dosn't look like it will be very good.


just going to be a collectible that gathers dust


I live in Canada, I feel special. Even though this is probably junk :p


what is with everything going mini


I think it looks pretty cool, you will be able to carry it all over.


eh, canadians only? I think they knew it wasn't going to sell good..