Minecraft: Xbox Edition has 'The End' in sight.

Minecraft for XBLA will soon be receiving the end game content, a fight to the death with the Ender Dragon. But not yet, as this content will be included in the Minecraft title update 8.

Firstly players will be receiving title update 7 (unfortunately no release date yet) which will have the following features:

- Animal Breeding
- Potion Brewing
- Experience Points
- Enchantment Table
- Mushroom Biome
- Nether Fortress
- New Tutorial World
- Villagers
- Mooshrooms
- Blaze
- Snow Golems
- Magma Cubes
- Baby Animals

So still loads of new content to keep players busy and prepare themselves for the final fight.

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"Minecraft: Xbox Edition has 'The End' in sight." :: Login/Create an Account :: 42 comments

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I still think they should have given us enchantments in the last update -_-


Dumb_Modz I don't know anyone that still plays this game on xbox it took to long for the update so people stopped playing it

there is a lot of people that still play this game lol ur a dumb **** ur name says it all


I don't know anyone that still plays this game on xbox it took to long for the update so people stopped playing it




Baby animals? AWWW YEAH..


Finally animal breeding!! :D


I can't wait for this update, it'll get me to start playing Minecraft again.


Blackwolfrunnin Can I breed a Chicken with a cow and breed their spawn with a sheep? Because if I could, I'd breed this new creature with a squid and create a super animal capable of taking over the nether.

i lol'ed at this


Can I breed a Chicken with a cow and breed their spawn with a sheep? Because if I could, I'd breed this new creature with a squid and create a super animal capable of taking over the nether.


I stopped playing minecraft. It to me gets boring easily because i played on the PC and when going to xbox, it is like going back in time because they are behind in the updates...but i will play it when the next update comes out for a little.