Steal a glance at two Grand Theft Auto 5 screens

"Why don't you give us more news?" a Grand Theft Auto fan asked Rockstar about GTA5. In response, Rockstar's "Asked & Answered" column provided the two new screenshots of the upcoming game. You mean to tell us that approach works? This is going to change how we do our jobs.

Rockstar explained the relative quiet since the trailer: "We don't do this because we 'don't care about our fans' 'don't respect our fans' 'hate GTA fans etc' – precisely the opposite," a company rep stated in the column. "We do it because we want to make sure we only release 100% correct information, and because we want to keep plenty back for the actual game release so there are still lots of surprises when you play it."

When Rockstar is ready to show more, there'll probably be a trailer every single day until launch, judging by previous games.





"Steal a glance at two Grand Theft Auto 5 screens" :: Login/Create an Account :: 116 comments

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this game looks the same thing as gta 4 but tropical and more colorful i can not wait for this game. gta is like the biggest waited game for every console launch.


iJarH3ad Why is this Game in Play station news?

It included xbox and nintendo

True dat ! o_0


Why is this Game in Play station news?

It included xbox and nintendo


Wish I had the money to pre-order it :(


looks amazing, cant wait for it to come out.


i remember playing the first one ever and how goofy the graphics were if you look at it now, ahah the motorcycles sounded so unrealistic and everything was just unreal, but the graphics look pretty cool on this i might have to rent this one for alittle and see how it is


This game looks great! Can't wait untill it comes out


I can't stand how amazing this looks. I just want this game so badly.


Amazing graphics. Can't wait for this game to come out!


They look so damn clear cant wait until this game comes out