Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut DLC – A Second Chance to Save A Failed Ending

After the major backlash from gamers concerning Mass Effect 3′s original endings, developers Bioware finally released the extended edition of each ending as a free download that consist of almost 1.9GB of data!

They are intended to give players a better insight as to what happens after the epic conclusion to an epic game and an epic series. The original endings sorely disappointed gamers and fans around the world because of their briefness and also lack of closure, failing to provide players with a satisfactory ending and leaving gamers clueless as to what happened to their relationships that they’d built up over 3 whole games!

Do the new endings do the Mass Effect fanbase service or do they just still fall short?

To start off, the whole entirely of the final section needs to be played again to get the most out of this extra DLC. That means trawling through London again and talking to all the characters again, battling through all the battles, yet again.

One plus of this DLC is that we finally know what happens to the majority of Shepards team mates as he and them team get hit by the Harbinger’s beam! Excellent.

Finally, when you reach the crucible, the dialogue between Shepard and the Catalyst has been majorly improved which allows you to prod further into the origins of the reapers and other specifics. Afterwards you’ll be presented with the options the player is still to make their usual choice, including a fourth decision which is to refuse to do anything. This new ending is the briefest and actually is the coolest choice to make, cause Shepard is the sort of guy who does things his way and in a sense provides the most clear cut of endings.

With the other three endings, the developers have expaned on what was originally there and you can see they have tried to provide a better insight as to how the war finishes depending on your final decision. You finally via screenshots and hear dialogue which explains what happens…wait…hear? Great…well are the endings much better? Well, they are better and do provide a better insight and you’ll be very happy to know what this time, your decisions do count so you’ll be informed on how your decisions affected other races and most importantly your friends.

These endings are well worth checking out if you’ve not already done so as you’ll finally see that your actions did have some consequences. They aren’t as well made as they could have or should have been but they’ve served their purpose and for that I am grateful!

Available now on PC and Xbox 360.

Available for PS3 from 4th July 2012.




"Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut DLC – A Second Chance to Save A Failed Ending" :: Login/Create an Account :: 47 comments

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people need to learn u wont get everything you want including ending to games just get over it


I hope this is half decent compared to the original ending -_-


I hope its good


Wow, i hope it satisfies :|


There are four endings.
You can shoot the Catalyst, at which point, it takes on a deep, harsh voice that scolds you, saying, "So be it."


lol this is why i like xbox :)


Troublez A Second Chance to Save A Failed Ending? Facepalms.

I don't have the game... Was it good?

It wasn't that bad.. Just kinda confusing.


Troublez A Second Chance to Save A Failed Ending? Facepalms.

I don't have the game... Was it good?


A Second Chance to Save A Failed Ending? Facepalms.


People even got angry over this, :facepalm:. It's a free DLC.