Nintendo: $100 Wii U game prices are 'fictitious'

Nintendo has confirmed retailers listing Wii U games around the $100 range "are using fictitious prices".

Retailers such as Amazon and GameStop have begun to list Pikmin 3 and Lego City Undercover at the massive price point, and in a statement to GameSpot the platform holder confirmed official pricing details have not been revealed yet.
"Retailers are beginning their presale activity, but given there is no official software price, they are using fictitious prices," it said.

"When software pricing is officially announced later this year, I am sure retailers will adjust their websites to reflect the true price."




"Nintendo: $100 Wii U game prices are 'fictitious'" :: Login/Create an Account :: 54 comments

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Smurfs Good thing it's not $100 because I would never pay that much for a Wii game.

there gonna still be a high price, probably like $80


Good thing it's not $100 because I would never pay that much for a Wii game.


Eminent For a game. I hate Wii now.

Yeah I agree, now it's designed mostly for younger kids.


teli No more "Wii" consoles, please. Just re-make a retro already. C'mon everyone wants to play the old bad graphic games in 1080p

So true!
Anybody know what 'fictitious' actually means?? =P


No more "Wii" consoles, please. Just re-make a retro already. C'mon everyone wants to play the old bad graphic games in 1080p


Fuko this really isn't worth the money, I wonder who's stupid enough to buy a Lego game for $100 -_-'

Lol, you made my day.


Frog Wow those prices are crazy!

Agreed, who would pay that much?


For a game. I hate Wii now.


Checking I dont think $100 should even be brought to attention when buying a game.

I know way to much money i think $50 would be a good price

Yeah... especially for a Nintendo game!


Checking I dont think $100 should even be brought to attention when buying a game.

I know way to much money i think $50 would be a good price