Nintendo predicts combined Wii U and Wii sales of 10.5 million by March 31, 2013

Nintendo isn't breaking out hardware or software sales predictions for the Wii U just yet, unlike its other consoles. Instead, it's masking said predictions by mixing them in with those of the Wii. Bizarre? Yes, bizarre.

Anyway, Nintendo's looking at a combined total of 10.5 million hardware units moved between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013 for the Wii U and Wii. While we can't parse the numbers, we can speculate based on the last fiscal year's Wii hardware sales. So! Nintendo sold 9.84 million Wii units in fiscal 2012, meaning the Japanese console manufacturer either expects a sharp dropoff in Wii sales (likely) or a not-so-hot holiday for the Wii U (less likely).

The same bizarre conflation applies to software sales, with Nintendo predicting approximately 70 million units sold across both the Wii U and Wii consoles. And last year? The Wii moved 102.37 million software units. Not too shabby! So, again, Nintendo either expects a massive dropoff in Wii software sales (likely), or for Wii U software to not do super great between the console's holiday launch and next March.




"Nintendo predicts combined Wii U and Wii sales of 10.5 million by March 31, 2013" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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Its more likely that it won't do great in sales,

most people have lost interest in the Wii


wii U.
i don't know why i hate you so much


Can't wait to see what the Wii U brings!