CoD Developer Seeks Balance Between “Quickscopers” and “Hardscopers”

David Vonderhaar, Gameplay Designer at Treyarch, sits down with Call of Duty fans in an attempt to find peace in the war between “quickscopers” and “hardscopers”.

First, a quick definition of terms: A “quickscoper” can be considered someone who fires a high-powered rifle (usually a bolt-action sniper rifle in this case) immediately after acquiring a target using the game’s built-in crosshairs, taking little to almost no time to aim down the the sights of the rifle scope; a risky but efficient maneuver. “Hardscopers” seek targets in the more traditional sense of scanning the battlefield while aimed down the sights of a rifle scope and firing from this scoped state, usually from an advantageous position.

Along with the rise of quickscoping — a technique that caught some attention possibly during the CoD 2 era, but gained commercial popularity during Modern Warfare 2 — came the controversial debate of whether it can be considered a legitimate technique, or does it exploit the mechanics of a first-person shooter, giving an unfair advantage to the user? Call of Duty developers, Treyarch, made conscious effort to keep 2010′s Black Ops free of such “exploitations”, while Infinity Ward’s recent Modern Warfare 3 embraced it with open arms.

In a conversation with Call of Duty fans, Vonderhaar stated, “I’d like to sit down with the worlds best drag & quickscopers and those who despise it and find something directly in the middle.” He continued, “ADS [Aim Down Sight] sway as well as the ADS and hipfire aim assist (ranges) are tunable on a per gun level. Let’s do this.” To get down to specifics, he then proposed, “.4 ADS raise time. No ‘random bullet.’ Limited hip fire aim assist (MW1 was 1000 inches of hip fire aim assist). Thoughts?” He then clarified that “0.4 is the average on a MW1 style sniper.”

Some fans have expressed concern over receiving only a hit marker when achieving a clear shot to the chest in Black Ops. Vonderhaar explained that this is common “when you are used to ‘chest’ being all the same thing.” However, he admits, ”we wanted it to be a precision shot. Upper torso or head but it was probably too confusing in the end.” It “also had to do with penetration settings,” he added. “You can’t hit a guy in the chest without hitting his arms and hands and sometimes gun first,” which may have added to players’ frustrations.

Vonderhaar was also asked if the possibility of removing aim assist was optional, something that many quickscope nay-sayers would argue is the source of their frustration. He replied, “Yes. It’s now possible to remove aim (hip and ads) from a gun. He also admitted, “the gun not shooting straight till 100% scoped in caused a lot of confusion and frustration for snipers.”

To close, Vonderhaar stated these words: “Balance. That place in the middle where everyone is equally pissed off. Thanks for sharing your passion with me. Reading every reply.”




"CoD Developer Seeks Balance Between “Quickscopers” and “Hardscopers”" :: Login/Create an Account :: 116 comments

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This is ridiculous. This site is full of 12 year old boys. You do realize this is a game?? Everyone is arguing about if it takes skill to quickscope or is it luck. Really? If you want to know the correct answer its BOTH skill and luck. Its definitely luck if u 360 noscope a kid across a map. But it does take skill to time the qs perfectly and hit the shot. I myself quickscope but I don't do all that fancy spinning and press every botton possible to get a sweet kill, i do it for fun. Its a game, not my life and if all of you need to be yelling at each other and calling each other retar ded then there is something very wrong with this world. Grow up.


DrPhil321 Quickscoping is why I switched to BF3, and it was the best decision I ever made (for a video game).
it was the best decision I ever made (for my entire life).

Even battlefield has it's extremely stupid moments, but i find it far more entertaining than cod now. can't wait for dlc :)


DrPhil321 Quickscoping is why I switched to BF3, and it was the best decision I ever made (for a video game).
it was the best decision I ever made (for my entire life).


Seriously I think they need to make a playlist for only quickscopes and a then the regular playlists, because search and destroy has been over flowing with tryhard wanna-be's trying to do 900's off of a building a killing someone before they die!



Seriously I think they need to make a playlist for only quickscopes and a then the regular playlists, because search and destroy has been over flowing with tryhard wanna-be's trying to do 900's off of a building a killing someone before they die!



it shouldnt matter they made the game for fun and it should stay that way


RjTheInsane I just still can't get a grasp on this ongoing controversy. I believe that quickscoping requires skill (videogame wise), and therefore don't understand it to be an "unfair advantage". Hardscoping, on the other hand, requires no skill. If you think quickscoping is easy, try doing it on BF3 at long distance.
A kill is a kill. Who cares how you get it?
In reality you get one shot either way. I do not understand why people will get mad when I hard scope them with a L96 but then they drop shot me with a Famas and they think that I am a try hard. !?!


Quickscoping is why I switched to BF3, and it was the best decision I ever made (for a video game).


cods just plain shit ever since mw2 came out, although blops was aite other than that cod is just shit


RjTheInsane I just still can't get a grasp on this ongoing controversy. I believe that quickscoping requires skill (videogame wise), and therefore don't understand it to be an "unfair advantage". Hardscoping, on the other hand, requires no skill. If you think quickscoping is easy, try doing it on BF3 at long distance.
A kill is a kill. Who cares how you get it?