Star Wars Battlefront 2’s April content update will be its last

The upcoming update for Star Wars Battlefront 2, Battle on Scarif, will be the last one released, according to DICE.

DICE has announced Battle on Scarif will be the last content update for Star Wars Battlefront 2.

Beyond the update, DICE said it will transition to support for the servers. It will still provide in-game challenges and recurring events for players. The team is just “moving away from delivering regular content updates.”

Set to release tomorrow, the update will bring the Age of Rebellion to Supremacy and Instant Action with battles on Hoth, Tatooine, Yavin 4, Death Star II, and the world of Scarif.

Scarif and Crait will both be available in Heroes and Villains game modes and co-op will see the MC85 Star Cruiser, First Order Star Destroyer, and Scarif added.

New appearances include Rey and her lightsaber, Kylo Ren with his reforged mask, and Emperor Palpatine wearing his latest set of robes.

Earlier this month, DICE also announced one last content update will arrive in June for Battlefield 5. After the summer update, the base game will essentially go into maintenance mode, but players can still expect events and activities to keep players busy.

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"Star Wars Battlefront 2’s April content update will be its last" :: Login/Create an Account :: 6 comments

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I am not a big Star Wars fun, but BF and Star Wars not surprised it's going.


Not surprised at all considering new consoles and games are being released!


Gossip Surprised they still care about this game tbh. The last one that was fun to me was the one pn PS2, these newer ones aren't fun at all.

I haven't played any of the new Star wars but I imagine you only like the PS2 ones because of the nostalgia?


Surprised they still care about this game tbh. The last one that was fun to me was the one pn PS2, these newer ones aren't fun at all.


Not really bothered about this but to be expected since new consoles and games are coming.


Never really bothered with Star Wars battlefront since the massive backlash they had. But, it's probably quite sad for those who play it to see its last update. If only black ops had more time.